Jimmy Uso (left) & Jey Uso (right)

WWE Superstar Jey Uso recently acknowledged an interesting message from a fan at a live event. Jimmy Uso also responded to the message.

For the first time in their WWE careers, Jey and Jimmy are not a tag team after the former parted ways with The Bloodline, but his twin brother decided to stay with Roman Reigns. Jey has jumped ship to Monday Night RAW, and Jimmy still performs on SmackDown.

The duo recently had matches at a live event in Rochester, Minnesota. While Main Event Jey Uso locked horns with Finn Balor, his twin brother teamed up with Solo Sikoa to go against Kevin Owens and LA Knight.

During the show, Jey Uso acknowledged a fan’s poster that said “Merry Yeetmas,” which is a wordplay on Jey’s famous catchphrase, “YEET.”

However, WWE later posted a video on Instagram in which Jimmy Uso can be seen taking the poster away from the fan and tearing it in half.

“It’s beginning to look a lot like YEETMAS!” WWE’s official Instagram handle shared.

You can check out WWE’s Instagram post below:

Jey Uso talked about being away from Jimmy Uso for the first time

On a recent edition of WWE’s The Bump, Jey Uso talked about how he feels empty because he has to do everything alone since parting ways with Jimmy Uso. Jey also teased a future match against his twin brother.
“Even like traveling alone, it is hard because I feel somewhat empty. Even like you said, I’m at the highest point, and I do want my brother [Jimmy Uso] to be there.

Like I wish we was all good. Like, I want him to be on the other side hitting it [his chant] with me. But man, things happen, families fight, Uce. We are going to love each other at the end, though. Jimmy going to get this work. You’ve got an a** whooping coming to you, Uce. Trust me,” Jey Uso said.

Fans believe the Stamford-based promotion will book a match between the twins at WrestleMania 40. What the company has planned for The Usos’ future remains to be seen.

Do you want to see a match between Jimmy Uso and Jey Uso? Let us know in the comments section below.