The male fan protected by Adele said that he did not feel guilty for standing up to block everyone’s view.

During Adele’s recent show, a male fan attracted attention when he stood up in the front of the audience even though this was a seating area, causing a staff member to remind him that he had to sit down because the view behind him was blocked. . However, this guy continued to stand and sing along to Adele, causing a security guard at the show to appear to ask this fan to sit down.
When Adele saw this action, she asked the security team not to affect the other fan.

After this situation, the male fan had an interview with TMZ, sharing about his action of standing up to block his view. He said he did not feel guilty.
“I only had one chance to meet Adele and I took advantage of it. I don’t feel guilty about that action. They could have stood up too.”