SNL Alum Almost Got Robbed Over Dinner After Feeling Guilty About Adam Sandler For 1 Thing

SNL Alum Almost Got Robbed Over Dinner After Feeling Guilty About Adam Sandler For 1 Thing

SNL Alum Almost Got Robbed Over Dinner After Feeling Guilty About Adam Sandler For 1 Thing


David Spade and Adam Sandler, longtime friends since their days at Saturday Night Live, have shared a camaraderie that transcends mere professional collaborations. Spade’s frequent appearances in Sandler’s movies stand testament to their enduring friendship. However, a seemingly innocuous act of generosity from Spade towards Sandler resulted in an unforeseen situation.

Actor Adam SandlerActor Adam Sandler

Their camaraderie once led to a costly mishap that left Spade in a financial bind. When Spade generously treated Sandler to a lavish $9,000 dinner, little did he anticipate the hefty toll it would take on his bank account. What was intended as a heartfelt display of friendship soon snowballed into an expensive predicament.

David Spade’s $9,000 Dinner Debacle with Adam Sandler

Actor David SpadeActor David Spade

During his appearance on The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon, David Spade shared a captivating and unforeseen incident involving his close friend, Adam Sandler. The story unfolded when Spade coincidentally crossed paths with Sandler at a luxurious restaurant where both had reservations for dinner, albeit separately. As a heartfelt gesture symbolizing their enduring camaraderie, Spade decided to treat Sandler to dinner that night.

In a bid to lightheartedly grab the attention of the people seated with Sandler, Spade discreetly handed his card to the waiter, signaling to cover their bills on his tab. The transaction proceeded smoothly, with the waiter processing the payment without a hitch. However, amid this good-natured act, Spade made a crucial oversight as he forgot to inquire about the total amount of Sandler’s bill.

Unbeknownst to him, the repercussions of this generous gesture were about to hit hard. The following day, Spade received an unexpected call from Identity Guard, inquiring about potential unauthorized transactions on his card. Puzzled by this unusual inquiry, Spade expressed his surprise, only to discover that the previous night’s dinner bill had amounted to an astonishing $9,000. This revelation left Spade feeling utterly blindsided, akin to being robbed overnight.

The Enduring On & Off Screen Friendship of Adam Sandler and David Spade

Adam Sandler in You Are So Not Invited To My Bat MitzvahAdam Sandler in You Are So Not Invited To My Bat Mitzvah
David Spade and Adam Sandler, towering figures in the realm of comedy, have cultivated not just a professional partnership but a deep friendship behind the scenes. Spade, reminiscing about their off-screen moments, recalled instances where the generous Sandler treated him to dinners, portraying Sandler’s immense generosity and seemingly bottomless wallet.

Their collaboration extends far beyond casual dinners; Sandler consistently weaves Spade into the tapestry of his cinematic endeavors. The Happy Madison films stand as a testament to their camaraderie, with Spade finding himself in the esteemed company of these productions. Among the roster, the Grown Ups series held a special place in Spade’s heart, reflecting his fondness for these projects.

With an impressive track record, Spade boasts a resume peppered with approximately forty appearances across Sandler’s cinematic ventures. Their collaborative efforts span a multitude of films, ranging from the likes of The Ridiculous 6, The Do-OverJack and Jill, and the animated gem Hotel Transylvania, among others.

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