“It has not been the best for his anniversary celebrations.”

Today in How Does Justin Timberlake Feel About Britney Spears’s Memoir: An Ongoing Saga, the Daily Mail reports that (a) he’s “not happy” about it and (b) he hasn’t reached out to Britney.

“Justin has not reached out to Britney at all about any of this and he is not going to because there is nothing he can say to her,” a source says. “She was there and is just telling it from her point of view. That does not mean he is okay with it. Justin is not at all happy about what has come out in this book.”

Meanwhile, the insider notes that the timing of the book coming out during Justin and Jessica Biel’s wedding anniversary wasn’t great for them: “Britney’s book coming out with all the revelations coming from it has not been the best for his anniversary celebrations. Having it in the zeitgeist hasn’t been a topic of constant conversation, but Justin and Jessica have definitely talked about it. And to have to think of all of that during a time when they should celebrate their love for each other hasn’t been the most satisfying of days lately. It has been a bit stressful.”

FYI, this follows an Entertainment Tonight insider saying, “Justin has been focusing on his own family and trying not to concern himself with Britney’s memoir. In recent years, Justin has tried to be supportive of Britney from a distance. They dated so long ago, but he still has respect for her. Justin and Jessica just want everyone to grow and evolve instead of continuing to bring up the past.”

’Kay, just gonna leave you with this courtesy of @ryinskott:

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