Legendary Boxer Mike Tyson Worries Fans Saying He’s Going To Die ‘Really Soon’ (VIDEO + TWEETS)

Mike Tyson is speaking in a way that has fans worried about him.

In the ring, the legendary boxer was looked at as a man who could knock anybody out and seemed to carry around this invincible persona. As he gets older, he is still very much a scary man, but even he is acknowledging his mortality.

In a recent episode of his podcast, “Hotboxin’ with Mike Tyson,” the former heavyweight boxing champ spoke with therapist Sean McFarland. Tyson told him he feels like he’s getting close to the end of his life.

“We’re all gonna die one day of course,” Tyson said. “Then, when I look in the mirror, I see those little spots on my face, I say, ‘Wow. That means my expiration date is coming close, really soon.’”

The 56-year-old Tyson also spoke about how money does not bring the happiness and security that those who have never had it might suspect.

“Money don’t mean s–t to me,” Tyson said. “I always tell people — they think money’s gonna make them happy, they’ve never had money before — when you have a lot of money, you can’t expect nobody to love you. How am I gonna confess my love to you when you have $500 billion?

“The false sense of security. You believe nothing can happen. You don’t believe the banks could collapse. You believe that you’re invincible when you have a lot of money, which isn’t true. That’s why I always say money is a false sense of security.”

“What is security?” he asked. “I don’t know. When you put money in your bank and you get a check every week and you can live for the rest of your life, is that security? That means you won’t catch a disease, you can’t get hit by a car? You can’t jump off a bridge. I don’t know. Is that security? Can money secure you from that?”

Please don’t Mike. https://t.co/EivHslvFvd

— TX Bill (@GOT_TXBill) July 20, 2022

Celebrities be saying this and it happens, life and death is in the power of the tongue https://t.co/GjDRSzUYlK

— Mayakaahla Yasharahla (@mmckoyis) July 20, 2022

BUT will money be the security from disease, accidental/intentional death? I’d like to chop it up with Mike Tyson. https://t.co/8lGY85UfBE

— Evad Me (@jlbankswilson) July 20, 2022

DAMN HOMIE! https://t.co/0jiiSRSf3e

— Kipimdule “BUNNY” Mangoundo (@kipimduletheman) July 20, 2022