Hollywood icon Julia Roberts is well known for her leading roles in blockbusters including Notting Hill, Pretty Woman, and Runaway Bride.

She was an established actress in the 1990s, but what sets her apart is how strongly committed she was to shield her kids from the harsh spotlight of fame, even if it meant facing substantial expenses.

On November 28, 2004, Roberts gave birth to twins named Hazel and Phinn, whom she shares with her husband Danny Moder. The couple then had a son named Henry, their third child, on June 18, 2007. The Ticket to Paradise star, therefore, made a significant decision to shield her children from the media. This decision cost her millions of dollars, though.

Julia Roberts

Julia Roberts

Mother of 3, Julia Roberts Spent $8.3 Million to Protect Her Kids' Childhood From Hollywood
Julia Roberts spent millions to keep her children away from the Hollywood spotlight

A crucial decision made in 2020 by Julia Roberts, best renowned for her performance in Wonder, highlighted the value of location for her family’s privacy.

She moved from the busy celebrity hotspot of Malibu, California, to the more serene location of San Francisco, California, where she paid a hefty $8.3 million for an exclusive home in the elite Presidio Heights neighborhood, according to the Los Angeles Times.
Julia RobertsJulia Roberts
The Things claimed that Roberts and her husband, Danny Moder moved to San Francisco in order to provide their kids a “more normal life away from the constant attention of the public.”

These observations were made by a close family friend who wished to remain unnamed and brought attention to Roberts’ desire for her children to be exposed to the laid-back atmosphere of a place that doesn’t put as much focus on celebrity culture.

The Presidio Heights property is a magnificent 6,200 square-foot Victorian Revival home with a striking gray shingled and slate facade.

The house’s location, which shields Roberts’ family from the prying eyes of Los Angeles-based paparazzi, is a secret benefit for her. Roberts and her family are able to lead private lives as a result of the location.

Julia Roberts’ kids are still unaware of what it means for their mother to be famous

Julia Roberts, despite being a global superstar, looks forward to a day when she can enjoy her movies with her children, Hazel, Henry, and Phinn.

Films like My Best Friend’s Wedding and Steel Magnolias are on her list, but for now, her kids may not fully grasp what it means for their mom to be a celebrity. Roberts shared a sweet story of being noticed while walking her kids down a crowded street. She was first observed by one individual, then by another.
Julia Roberts with her kids
Julia Roberts with her kids
Roberts recalled in a Vanity Fair interview,
Somebody said as we were walking past, ‘Oh, that’s Julia Roberts.’ We all just kind of kept going, and then Finn said, ‘Yeah, my mom’s Julia Robinson.‘” Roberts further added, “That’s what gives you perspective. It could be Robinson, it could be Johnson because it has nothing to do with me as a person.”
This amusing experience gave Roberts a new outlook by demonstrating that her children’s lives can be just as normal as those of any other family. Since having a famous last name doesn’t necessarily characterize her as a person or their family life.