The image of actor Leonardo DiCaprio taking his girlfriend on a super luxury yacht is facing criticism from many netizens.
According to media reports, Leonardo DiCaprio was considered an “environmental hypocrite” when in front of the media he “shouted” environmental protection slogans, but in fact did the opposite.
Leonardo DiCaprio was criticized for taking his girlfriend on a super yacht trip.
Specifically, not long ago, he was caught taking his girlfriend on a trip on a super luxury yacht worth thousands of billions of dong.
According to information, the actor’s yacht has six floors, with full amenities such as a gym, swimming pool and cinema, and even a helipad on the top floor. .
However, this super luxury yacht is said to emit a huge amount of carbon dioxide.
It is estimated that when this super yacht travels 6,069 nautical miles, the amount of emissions into the environment is equivalent to driving an average car for a year.
This is considered the least environmentally friendly “pastime” of famous male stars.
Famous actor Leonardo DiCaprio is a person who is devoted to environmental activities and fighting climate change.
Even, by his efforts to save the Ebo forest from loggers, movie actor Leonardo DiCaprio has been honored by science more than once with the names of plant species: Grouvellinus leonardodicaprioi and Spintharus leonardodicaprioi and recently Uvariopsis dicaprio (U. dicaprio).
And as the United Nations’ peace and climate ambassador, Hollywood star Leonardo DiCaprio also often publicly calls for people to take more action in preserving the environment.
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