The dog with both legs amputated is living proof that, don’t wait for external circumstances to change, change yourself.

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With an extraordinary will to live, the dog does not even need to use any means of support in moving. Even though it only has two front legs, the dog can still run, jump, and walk like a normal dog.

Even though the dog has a disabled body and poor health, the dog is living proof that joy and happiness are not determined by circumstances but lie in every thought and attitude about their own life. ta.

We invite readers to watch the video of a two-legged dog with an extraordinary will to live:

Many people probably know this dog. Faith was born on Christmas Eve 2002. At birth, Faith had 3 legs, but her 2 back legs were normal and 1 front leg was amputated, only to grow later. That leg was surgically amputated.

Faith has had a very difficult life. At first Faith could only lie on the floor and move but could not walk. His mother didn’t even want to take care of him when he was so weak. The owner was even worse when he threw it on the street. But luckily for Faith, she was adopted by a kind family.

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After difficult days, it was a miracle that Faith could walk easily on her hind legs.

This kind family named the dog Faith with the hope of training Faith to become a walking dog. After difficult and strenuous days, Faith was able to walk with ease; using its hind legs is a miracle. Even the dog loves to travel like this; Everyone also loves Faith, a lot of newspapers and television have reported on this famous dog.