Pop queen Madonna was emotional because she received the attention and care from relatives and friends and was grateful for her life for being alive after being hospitalized in the emergency room in June.

On Instagram on the evening of July 30, Madonna posted a photo hugging her children and revealed that “love from family and friends is the medicine” that helps her get through it. “When I have difficulties, my children are really there to take care of me. That helps me see another side of my children,” Madonna confided.

Madonna đăng ảnh đã trở lại khỏe khoắn bên con trai và con gái.

Madonna posted a photo of herself back healthy with her son and daughter.

Madonna also showed off a photo of herself holding a framed photo of the late painter Keith Haring wearing a jacket with the face of pop king Michael Jackson. The photo was taken by photographer and filmmaker Andy Warhol and was a gift from longtime manager Guy O’Seary to Madonna. The 64-year-old singer captioned: “I sobbed when I opened this gift because I realized how lucky I am to be alive. Thank you Guy for the gift. Thank you to all the angels who protected me and Allow me to stay in this world to complete my work!”.

Madonna giữ tấm ảnh về những nghệ sĩ quá cố đã truyền cảm hứng cho cô, cảm thấy may mắn vì được sống để tiếp làm nghệ thuật.

Madonna keeps photos of deceased artists who inspired her, feeling lucky to be alive to continue making art.

On June 24, Madonna was taken to the emergency room in an unconscious state. She was in the intensive care unit and had to be intubated for one night. The female singer fortunately soon regained consciousness and was discharged from the hospital on June 28. However, when she returned home, the mother of 6 children was still exhausted, vomiting non-stop and took many days to recover. According to Dailymail, relatives were afraid that Madonna would not survive when she was hospitalized. Eldest daughter Lourdes, 26 years old, is always on duty to take care of the singer at the hospital.

The manager said Madonna had a serious bacterial infection. Some sources also revealed that singer Vogue had been sick for a long time but did not go to the doctor while she was too busy practicing for her Celebration world tour. After being hospitalized, Madonna had to postpone the tour, which was scheduled to begin on July 15, to take time to recover.