Often compared because of their very similar style of play, LeBron James and Magic Johnson have both become legends of the sport. Furthermore, a former player noticed another similarity between them, particularly regarding their attitude with referees.
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Magical Milestones: The Incredible Career of Magic Johnson | NBA Top Shot  Blog

Before even stepping onto the NBA courts, LeBron James was presented as a huge sensation capable of becoming the standard bearer for an entire generation. These predictions about his career earned him the nickname “Chosen One”, implying that he was the new “Chosen One” of the basketball Gods after the retirement of His Majesty Michael Jordan in 2003.

Drafted by the Cavaliers that same year, comparisons continued to rain between the now “King” and the Bulls legend. So much so that the GOAT debate is more relevant than ever given LBJ’s longevity . On the other hand, for some, the Lakers superstar would share more in common with another legendary name from the Purple & Gold: Magic Johnson. This is the case for John Salley, who supported his point on Undisputed .

More Magic than Jordan in LeBron?

We compare him to Michael Jordan, I think we should compare him to Magic Johnson. He is the same size, he is a playmaker. Michael did not play playmaker, Michael was never seen in the playmaker position. LeBron James with the referees is like Magic Johnson, he looks at them to get whistles. And when he screams while attacking the basket, it’s pure Magic Johnson.
Magical Milestones: The Incredible Career of Magic Johnson | NBA Top Shot  Blog
This kid was predestined to play basketball. He arrived in the league, he strengthened his muscles, and he is smarter than the others. I think he can potentially play as long as Tom Brady, maybe until he’s 45. Right now he looks like he’s stronger than he’s ever been. Not true ? He looks in better shape than when he was 28.
John Salley says there’s more Magic than Jordan in LeBron. Apart from their similar attitude towards the refereeing body, the two Californians would be the most likely to be compared given their almost identical style of play. 


The former Pistons even went beyond this statement by announcing that he thought the King was capable of continuing to play at the highest level until he was 45, like former American footballer Tom Brady. .

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Would a majority of the NBA community have gone wrong when comparing LBJ and MJ? Would the debate have been more relevant if it focused instead on the two Lakers champions? It’s a possibility that sounds more like a reality for Salley. Regardless, most fans will agree that these three personalities left their mark on history forever.

According to John Salley, the comparison between Michael Jordan and LeBron James lacks insight. Indeed, the King should rather be compared with Magic Johnson, since in addition to their style of play, the two would also have in common their sometimes annoying attitude with the referees.