Naruto, One Piece, and Bleach are two of the most well-renowned shonen anime of all time. The series, throughout its long run, has accumulated millions of fans. Both of the franchises have iconic characters who are tremendously strong, and fans sometimes wonder who might win if they ever face off with each other.
Zoro Sleeping on the Ship

Zoro Sleeping on the Ship
Naruto and One Piece have different power systems and ideologies; however, both series have characters who use swords as weapons. In One Piece, we have Zoro; in Naruto, we have Killer Bee. However, despite having seven swords, Killer Bee might not be potent enough to defeat Zoro.


Zoro vs Killer Bee, who would win this matchup?

Zoro is one of the most hardworking individuals in One Piece, and he has been training ever since he was a kid. He is also very loyal and faithful to Luffy and will protect him with his life.

Meanwhile, Killer Bee is one of Naruto’s most unique and funny characters; he also possesses an eight-tailed beast, a powerful ally.

However, if Zoro and Killer Bee engage in a duel, the winner will be Zoro, even though Killer Bee is tremendously strong and experienced.

Zoro is very powerful, and he also possesses legendary swords. He has also shown speedy feats, which at least puts him at a supersonic level.
Killer BeeKiller Bee while fighting Sasuke
He even split the mountain in half with his sword, while his durability is known to everyone. He can take attacks powerful enough to oblige mountains.

Killer Bee is an exceptional swordsman; however, Zoro is the best swordsman in the One Piece verse, alongside Mihawk, and is a way better swordsman than Bee.

In terms of damage potency, Killer Bee takes the dub, but everything else, including speed, durability, IQ, and battle IQ, all goes to Zoro.

Also Read: Even Gear 5 Luffy is Not Strong Enough to Beat the Man Who Inspired Him to be a Pirate in One Piece

Which verse is stronger, Naruto or One Piece?

One Piece and Naruto are tremendously powerful verses, each with many broken characters.
There is no correct and definite answer based on which verse is stronger, as the One Piece story is still ongoing and might introduce characters that will take the verse to a higher level.

However, as it stands, Naruto’s verse outstrips One Piece by a mile; the best feats do not come close to those of Naruto.
naruto and sasuke vs. jigenNaruto and Sasuke vs. Jigen
Towards the end of the story, Naruto was fighting gods who could summon dimensions and could destroy entire planets.

In the final Naruto movie, while rescuing Hinata, Naruto landed a punch strong enough to destroy some extent of the moon.