Thanks to his hosting roles on game shows and talk shows, Steve Harvey has become a household name.

However, he’s not always a family-friendly one. He’s been quite controversial over the years, especially when it comes to his relationships. It seems that ‘Family Feud’ is an appropriate show for Steve Harvey to be on, given his dramatic love life throughout the years.

Steve Harvey’s given some incredibly questionable relationship advice over the years

Steve Harvey isn’t a man who shies away from giving relationship advice. That might seem only natural, given he’s now such an established talk show host. Unfortunately, the pearls of wisdom he has to offer aren’t always something that other people want to hear. In fact, his wise words can sometimes do more harm than good.

Steve Harvey's given some incredibly questionable relationship advice over the years

Steve’s come under fire before for some of his advice, namely because it’s been so offensive. For instance, on the morning television show ‘Good Morning America,’ he once advised men to go for “shallow and unintelligent women” if they’re only looking for intimacy. His suggestion that these women would be willing to do whatever a man wanted caused quite an uproar as confused viewers wondered what was going through Steve’s head.

Being on the road a lot brought his first relationship to an end

The fact that his relationship advice can sometimes be questionable may make sense when you consider that the man hasn’t always been lucky in love. He’s tied the knot three times over the years, with most of those marriages not ending amicably. His first wife was Marcia Harvey, who he became a husband to in 1981.

Being on the road a lot brought his first relationship to an end

Although they stayed together for more than a decade, things were complicated by Steve not being around much. He was on the road a lot as he attempted to make a go of his comedy career. With their relationship often forced to be long-distance, cracks began to show until they eventually broke the couple apart. He’d succeeded at getting his start in comedy, but at the cost of his marriage.

Steve Harvey allegedly left his first wife for his second wife

It seems that it wasn’t just his career that got in the way of Steve’s first marriage. There was also the fact that he allegedly had eyes for another woman that caused a few complications. According to Radar Online, the TV host left Marcia while she was pregnant with their third child and got together with Mary Vaughn.

Steve Harvey allegedly left his first wife for his second wife

She ended up going on to be Steve’s second wife, with the pair tying the knot in 1996. If this is how things played out, it’s perhaps no surprise there was a little animosity between Harvey and Marcia. It’s one thing to lose your husband to someone else, but another thing entirely for them to ditch you when you’re pregnant. The divorce was not going to be pretty.

Steve allegedly hid his assets during his divorce from Mary

Radar Online also claims that Marcia had to take her husband to court so that she could get a suitable child support payment out of him. After that drama, there was hope that Steve would be able to right the wrongs of his past with Mary. Unfortunately, what might have started as a blissful marriage definitely didn’t end that way.

Steve allegedly hid his assets during his divorce from MarySteve allegedly hid his assets during his divorce from Mary Source: Getty Images
In 2005, the couple went their separate ways, and they didn’t do it on good terms. There was a ton of bitterness during the divorce, with Harvey supposedly hiding some of his assets to prevent Mary from getting her hands on them. He apparently hired a team of fixers to conceal his actual net worth and ensure Mary didn’t get the better of him in court.

Mary has spoken out against her ex quite frequently

While little has been heard from Marcia since she and Steve divorced, the same can’t be said for Mary. She’s called her ex-husband out quite a few times, further proving that their marriage didn’t end on good terms. One thing that she’s accused Harvey of is trying to turn their son against her. It can be tricky navigating shared custody of a child when the parents don’t see eye to eye.

Mary has spoken out against her ex quite frequentlyMary has spoken out against her ex quite frequently Source: Shutterstock
Mary’s claimed that her ex has taken advantage of their situation to manipulate their boy into thinking the worst of his mother. Naturally, Steve has denied this. He’s also denied her allegation that she was left homeless after the brutal divorce. It seems she may have fared better from their separation than she suggested to the media.

Steve had Mary thrown in jail after she leaked seal documents damaging his reputation

When your marriage turns sour, it’s natural to want to vent your feelings about the matter. However, if Mary wished to do that, she should have limited it to people she could trust behind closed doors. Instead, she went around uploading videos on social media, which didn’t do her any favors. After all, she was reportedly forbidden from talking about the relationship as part of the divorce agreement.

Steve had Mary thrown in jail after she leaked seal documents damaging his reputation
Steve had Mary thrown in jail after she leaked seal documents damaging his reputation
Source: Getty Images
Things took a turn for the worst when Mary allegedly leaked sealed documents accusing Steve of harming their son. He was later cleared of these allegations, but the damage to his reputation was already done. Harvey retaliated by having Mary thrown in jail, where she remained for 30 days. This didn’t keep her quiet, though.

She sued her ex for $60 million, claiming kidnapping, torture, and more

Four years after going to jail, Mary proved that she wasn’t done trying to take her husband down. She sued him for $60 million, listing quite a few reasons for wanting his money. According to TMZ, Steve was responsible for torture, kidnapping, child endangerment, intentional infliction of emotional distress, and more.

She sued her ex for $60 million, claiming kidnapping, torture, and moreShe sued her ex for $60 million, claiming kidnapping, torture, and more Source: Getty Images
Mary even alleged that she’d tried to take her own life because of what Harvey had put her through, which is why she was seeking compensation. Unfortunately for her, the TV host’s legal team swiftly shut her case down. They claimed that her allegations were “meritless, frivolous” and “completely false.” A Los Angeles judge ultimately threw the case out, saying that it should be handled by someone in Texas, where the divorce played out.

Mary accused Steve of moving on with Marjorie before their marriage was over

While Steve was dealing with all this drama from Mary, he found himself a new wife in the form of Marjorie Bridges. They tied the knot just two years after he finalized his divorce from Mary. With their relationship developing so quickly after his second marriage, some wondered whether there was any overlap between the two women.

Mary accused Steve of moving on with Marjorie before their marriage was overMary accused Steve of moving on with Marjorie before their marriage was over Source: Getty Images
According to Mary, there was. She didn’t hesitate to accuse Harvey of leaving her for Marjorie, just as he’d supposedly done with her when he was with Marcia. Whether that’s true or not, though, is unclear. Mary certainly isn’t afraid to throw accusations in Steve’s direction, but that doesn’t mean her words are always genuine. This could just be the allegation of a scorned wife.

Rumors emerged several years ago that the pair were set to get divorced

After two failed marriages, Steve tied the knot with Marjorie, hoping that the third time would be the charm. Things certainly seemed to develop nicely between them, with the TV host actually praising his wife for making him a better man. Perhaps he truly had found his perfect partner in her?

Rumors emerged several years ago that the pair were set to get divorcedRumors emerged several years ago that the pair were set to get divorced Source: Getty Images
Unfortunately, they say that a leopard can never change its spots, which is why divorce rumors surfaced several years ago. Radar Online claimed that the end was near for Steve and Marjorie, with the former supposedly putting four properties on the market to get rid of them before the divorce. The publication also claimed that Harvey had transferred one of the properties that was in both their names to just be solely in his name.