Kanye West Exposes Adidas & Kim Kardashian For Trying To Frame Him

Are Adidas and Kim Kardashian trying to frame Kanye??

The negative press about Kanye West just keeps growing every day and we’re now hearing that Kanye’s former business partner and his ex-wife Kim Kardashian may be working together to bring him down!

In an explosive open letter recently published in Rolling Stone, former Adidas and Yeezy employees accused Kanye of some VERY disturbing things.

But what’s even more shocking is the way Kim responded to this latest controversy and fans are now speculating that Kim and Adidas have teamed up to destroy Kanye.

KK owns her own publishing company and the paparazzi.
I live in LA and she has a bad reputation, when she shows up to take her kids for dance classes near us , not one person that owns a business next to the dance studio has anything good to say about her. She has the paparazzi wait for her and takes over the entire parking lot with no regard for people working there. Also, while we were at Barnes and Noble a while back the staff informed us that the KK family would show in 10 minutes for a booksigning event. Everyone, was informed in the store and everyone left before they showed up.

Not one single person bought the 20 $ book or waited in line. Imagine them showing up an completely empty bookstore. People are so over them. 🙄