Among the various special awards presented, aside from the Ultimate Choice Award given to singer Miley Cyrus, several other artists were honored including the band Maroon 5, Vanessa Hudges, and Bruno Mars…

Nữ ca sỹ Miley Cyrus giành giải đặc biệt tại Teen Choice Awards ảnh 1

The recently concluded Teen Choice Awards 2017 in the United States just handed out awards to the most prominent artists of the year in various fields, as evaluated by teenage fans.

MILEY CYRUS at Vanguard Awards in Los Angeles 11/07/2015 mq

At this year’s award ceremony, several special awards were presented. In addition to the Ultimate Choice Award given to singer Miley Cyrus, who was absent due to unexpected circumstances, other notable awards included the Decade award for Maroon 5 (honoring their efforts over the past decade), the SeeHer award for Vanessa Hudgens, and Bruno Mars receiving the Visionary award from afar.

Teen Choice Awards is an annual award show broadcasted on Fox television channel to honor the most outstanding achievements of the year in areas such as music, film, sports, television, fashion, etc. This award is voted on by a teenage audience (ages 13 to 19).

In these areas, voters can cast their vote for their favorite individuals/products in various categories such as outstanding films/TV shows, best male/female actors…

The winner will be rewarded with a surfboard adorned with a pattern symbolizing the award ceremony.