In a recent interview, Kanye West made a controversial claim, suggesting that rapper Cardi B was intentionally planted by the secretive organization known as the Illuminati to replace fellow rapper Nicki Minaj. The headline-grabbing statement has sparked a debate among fans of both artists and conspiracy theorists alike.

During the interview, Kanye West discussed various topics, including the music industry and the influence of secret societies. He a

lleged that Cardi B’s meteoric rise to fame was not solely due to her talent but rather a carefully orchestrated plan by the Illuminati to replace Nicki Minaj, who has been a dominant figure in the rap industry for years.


Kanye’s statement has fueled a heated debate among fans of both Cardi B and Nicki Minaj. Supporters of Cardi B argue that her success is a result of her hard work, talent, and unique style, rather than any secret agenda. They believe that her rise in the music industry is a testament to her dedication and musical abilities.

As with any conspiracy theory, it is up to individuals to critically evaluate the claims and consider multiple perspectives before forming their own conclusions. Ultimately, the debate between fans of Cardi B and Nicki Minaj will likely continue, with each side passionately defending their preferred artist.