In a shocking revelation, Janet Jackson has broken her silence on the recent bombshell disclosures from Britney Spears’s much-anticipated memoir, “The Woman and Me.”

The book, which details Britney’s struggles during her conservatorship years, unveils the manipulative tactics employed by her ex, Justin Timberlake, to further his own career.

Britney Spears, who had endured years of public shaming by Timberlake, including the infamous “Cry Me a River” music video that exploited their breakup, is now hitting back in her memoir.

The pop icon sheds light on Timberlake’s hypocrisy, revealing instances of infidelity, manipulative behavior, and the emotional toll she endured during their relationship.

One of the most startling revelations in Britney’s memoir involves Timberlake pressuring her to get an abortion when she believed she was pregnant. Despite the pain and emotional turmoil this decision caused her, Timberlake allegedly prioritized his career and reputation over their relationship.

This shocking revelation comes after years of Timberlake playing the victim and publicly criticizing Britney for their breakup, conveniently omitting his own transgressions. Britney remained dignified throughout, refusing to trash her ex despite the media’s attempts to paint her as the villain.

7 MINUTES AGO: Janet Jackson SPEAKS On Britney Spears EXPOSING Justin  Timberlake - YouTube

Janet Jackson, who faced a similar fate at the hands of Timberlake during the 2004 Super Bowl incident, has expressed her support for Britney Spears. Jackson, whose career was nearly destroyed after the controversial halftime show, questions the double standards that allowed Timberlake to flourish while she faced backlash.

In 2004, during the infamous Super Bowl halftime show, Justin Timberlake ripped off Janet Jackson’s dress, leading to widespread condemnation of Jackson. While Timberlake escaped unscathed, Jackson was blacklisted from the Grammys and forced to apologize for the incident.

7 MINUTES AGO: Janet Jackson SPEAKS On Britney Spears EXPOSING Justin  Timberlake - YouTube

Britney’s memoir has reignited the conversation about Timberlake’s exploitative tactics, and Janet Jackson’s voice adds weight to the growing criticism. As more details emerge from Britney’s book, it is clear that Timberlake’s actions went beyond a simple breakup, revealing a pattern of manipulation and exploitation of the women in his life.

As the public awaits Timberlake’s response to these damning revelations, it is evident that the #FreeBritney movement has gained a powerful ally in Janet Jackson, who understands firsthand the price of being unfairly vilified by the media.