Singer Britney Spears shared a venting post in which she flaunts her physical shape during a workout session and regrets the various attacks against her on social media. The 40-year-old celebrity’s newly posted video on Instagram shows her pushing hard during her workouts at a gym, wearing a yellow top and minimal black shorts. The caption laments the constant attacks made by haters on social media.

The artist had shared the same video a few hours earlier, but saw the post end up being deleted after complaints from followers dissatisfied with the content. She regretted the removal of the original video and vowed to continue republishing the same content until she was able to maintain it.

Singer Britney Spears (Photo: Instagram)

Singer Britney Spears (Photo: Instagram)

The video shows Britney in several different moments of her training at a gym during her trip to Hawaii. She appears walking on a treadmill, lifting weights, leaning upside down against a wall and doing other exercises during her gym routine. All this to the sound of a remixed version of one of her most famous songs, the classic ‘Toxic’

Singer Britney Spears (Photo: Instagram)

Singer Britney Spears (Photo: Instagram)

“I want to republish this here because it’s cool, right? Your comments are so COOL”, begins Britney in the caption, in a tone of irony. “Maybe I’ll even repost another version of this video with my voice on the song… Why not??? I get teased and criticized by most for sweating and not looking perfect… Maybe I can get some empathy for SAYING THE THINGS I SHOULD HAVE SAID.”

Singer Britney Spears (Photo: Instagram)

Singer Britney Spears (Photo: Instagram)

Then, she engages in attacks directed at her haters: “First, F*** YOU and this is ALL CAPITAL LETTERS TALK OK??? YOU THINK YOURSELF IS IMPORTANT!!! I REPEAT F*** YOU… And if it’s too offensive, add a pinch of salt and then spread it all over your asses because people are too cruel and need cleaning. OBSSSS: KEEP SMILING”.

Singer Britney Spears (Photo: Instagram)

Singer Britney Spears (Photo: Instagram)

“Just positive vibes from my queen,” wrote a fan in the comments section of the artist’s post. “You look happy and excited, we love you,” declared another person. “Always perfect,” said a third. “That’s it, Britney! If they don’t like it, they can go fuck themselves! Keep up your posts,” someone else posted. Watch Britney’s video by clicking here .

Singer Britney Spears with her father, businessman Jamie Spears (Photo: Instagram)

Singer Britney Spears with her father, businessman Jamie Spears (Photo: Instagram)

In November 2021, Britney managed to end her conservatorship, administered over 13 years by her father, businessman Jamie Spears. The judge responsible for the case announced in the final session of the case: “The court believes and determines that guardianship of the person and their assets are no longer necessary. As of today, the conservatorship of Britney Jean Spears’ person and assets is terminated.”

Britney Spears’ conservatorship period in 2008 began following a series of public outbursts by the artist. At the time, she shaved her hair, fought with paparazzi and had a series of problems related to alcohol consumption. She is currently engaged to model and dancer Sam Asghari, her partner for a few years.

Britney Spears with her fiance in Hawaii (Photo: Instagram)

Britney Spears with her fiance in Hawaii (Photo: Instagram)