Singer Britney Spears left her fans and followers on social media worried after her latest Instagram post. The 39-year-old celebrity shared an album with photos in which she poses dressed in a leotard with a print similar to a snake’s scales and in the caption she said she had decided to transform herself into a snake.

“I once held a snake at the Video Music Awards, but 20 years later I decided to go further and become the fucking snake!!!!”, wrote the singer in the album’s caption.

Singer Britney Spears dressed as a snake (Photo: Instagram)

Singer Britney Spears dressed as a snake (Photo: Instagram)

The artist’s text also says: “And since TRICKS ARE CHILDREN’S THINGS, you naughty little shits, who knows what color snake I will be tomorrow!!!!??? BE CAREFUL guys and keep an eye on the snake!!!!!!”

In this case, the mention of the snake in the post refers to the animal held by Britney during her performance at the 2001 Video Music Awards. She took to the stage at the awards ceremony with a huge snake on her back. Check out a photo from the show:

Singer Britney Spears performing with a snake at the 2001 Video Music Awards (Photo: Getty Images)

Singer Britney Spears performing with a snake at the 2001 Video Music Awards (Photo: Getty Images)The album’s comments space is full of messages from fans confused about the post. “What do you mean, Britney?” asked one person. “Is that really you, Britney?” asked another. “Are you okay?” asked a third. “’You little shits’, you’ve never used that language before…”, someone else complained.

Britney Spears (Photo: Reproduction / Instagram)

Britney’s mental health has been the subject of heated discussions on social media over the past few months. The “Free Britney” movement calls for her to be released from her father’s guardianship. The guardianship was imposed by the United States Court in 2006, when she freaked out, shaved her hair and ended up in hospital.

Last weekend she made another controversial post, talking about the intellect of stones . She wrote in the caption of a photo of a stone mosaic: “They have so much intellect and we have no idea!!!! If you ever find yourself alone and feel the urge to connect with the universe, hold one of your favorite stones… Look up… And let it guide your spirit!!!!!”

Britney Spears' post about the power and intellect of stones (Photo: Instagram)