In a startling turn of events, renowned rapper and actor 50 Cent has joined forces with Hollywood icon Denzel Washington to expose media mogul Oprah Winfrey for her alleged exploitation of black actors in the entertainment industry.

The controversy comes amid an ongoing dispute between actress Taraji P. Henson and Oprah regarding underpayment and unequal treatment.

The feud erupted when Taraji P. Henson called out Oprah for underpaying her in the upcoming movie “The Color Purple.” 50 Cent, known for his outspoken nature, took to social media to criticize Oprah for what he sees as her role in perpetuating the exploitation of black actors in Hollywood.

In a recent interview, 50 Cent stated, “I’m just tired of working so hard, being gracious at what I do, getting paid a fraction of the cost. The math ain’t making the man.” He went on to reveal that Denzel Washington had been offered $600,000 for a project but refused to disclose further details, emphasizing the impact of the first few films on an actor’s career.

This is not the first time 50 Cent has criticized Oprah. The roots of their feud trace back to his rise to fame when he sought to appear on Oprah’s show. However, Oprah’s disinterest in featuring him led to accusations of her being against hip-hop, specifically the type of music he creates.

In the current controversy, 50 Cent has come to the support of Taraji P. Henson, echoing his past support for Mo’Nique when she spoke out against Oprah and Tyler Perry for underpaying her for her role in “Precious.”

Taraji’s claims shed light on broader issues within Hollywood, including pay disparities and inequality faced by black actors. Other prominent black figures like Gabrielle Union and Kiki Palmer have also voiced concerns about the extra effort required on screen while receiving less compensation.

Denzel Washington, a respected figure in the industry, has also exposed the darker aspects of Hollywood. In an interview, he shared insights into the pressure actors face to accept roles that go against their values, highlighting an unsettling role he was pressured into in 1986.

The recent controversy surrounding Oprah’s treatment of black actors prompts a crucial conversation about systemic challenges faced by black professionals in various fields. As the drama unfolds, 50 Cent, Denzel Washington, and other voices in Hollywood continue to advocate for fair treatment and just compensation for black actors in the industry.