“Though it’s plain to see, this world is Heavenly, be God’s glow,” Michael Jackson wrote these lines in his famous song, ‘Heal the World’.

This lyric poignant as it is seems to hold the key to a deeper meaning according to boxing legend, Mike Tyson. MJ had a cultural influence like no other, bringing the world together through the power of music. He was one of the first black people to gain worldwide acclaim along with boxing icon Muhammad Ali. With his race being such a key part of his identity much has been made of the work he did to alter the complexion of his skin.

Mike Tyson tells how he met Michael Jackson. - MJVibe

Recently, in a conversation that took place in the episode of Hotboxin’ with Mike Tyson, ‘The Baddest Man on the Planet’ revealed the real reason behind changing his skin color. Well, many blamed him for seeking to be light-skinned, but ‘Iron Mike’ has put forward an entirely different perspective.

Mike Tyson talking about Michael Jackson’s reason behind his skin transformation

In the latest episode of Mike Tyson’s podcast with Michael Jackson’s son, Prince Jackson, who appeared as the guest, the panel started discussing the influence of ‘MJ’. At that point Tyson started sharing an unknown fact about Jackson, he said, “Listen everybody thought he was changing his skin because he wanted to be white, he was changing it because he wanted to glow. He wanted to be a light, he wanted to shine yeah.”

Prince Jackson asked Tyson whether his father told him that, and Tyson nodded his head and assured him that’s what he told him. Tyson replied, “I remember right in the year, he wanted to glow, he’s the light.” Then he also talked about how Jackson had a different way of looking at the world, as nobody could really think like that. Even though he pointed out the similarities between him and Jackson later to his son.

Mike Tyson Says Michael Jackson Was a 'Player,' Feeble Demeanor Was an Act

No one in the world could actually change his skin color just because they wanted to represent light. So, Tyson was in awe of Jackson’s mind and his artistic outlook. In the past, ‘Iron’ Mik, who was well-known for making his opponents sleep on the canvas, was humbled by Michael Jackson.

Tyson was “crushed” by the response of Michael Jackson

Mike Tyson hopped on one of the episodes of T.I’s expediTiously, where they discussed several topics on the boxer’s ego-driven life at the very beginning of his career. Similarly, he shared one such experience he had with Michael Jackson where his ego was broken by the mega pop star. This also let him hold a grudge against him for a long time.

Tyson said, “I met Mike one day, I think he was at a concert in Cleveland, I’m with Don King.” So when he went to meet Jackson backstage, he wasn’t recognized at all. Furthermore, he shared, “He goes like this, ‘Don’t I know you from somewhere? Where I know you from? He broke my ego, he crushed me. I said ‘No, I’m just a fan, pleasure to meet you, sir. He said, ‘OK’“. Then he went on to get in his car and left.

Mike Tyson claims Michael Jackson was a 'player' with women | Metro News

This didn’t sit well with the Youngest Heavyweight boxing Champion, and he held a grudge until they started hanging out together later. So much so that Tyson was told one of the biggest secrets of Jackson’s life, about his decision to change his skin color. What are your thoughts about their relationship? Let us know in the comments section.