May be an image of 2 people, beard and text

As it turns out, Kelce’s character is just a good-natured orderly named Ed Laclan, who meets Lois after a particularly tense encounter with Nurse Redd. Like, worse than the time Lois accused the nurse of pleasuring her comatose husband. Ed comes along just when Lois (aka “Sassy Pants”) needs him most, offering a light, a smile and a bit of advice: You’re too drunk to drive home! It’s not the first time that someone has accused her of drinking too much, and it’s not the first time she casts their concern aside. Only this time, Lois’ mistake ends with her waking up handcuffed in the hospital after crashing her car into a pole.

As luck (or possibly hallucinations) would have it, Ed turns out to be the orderly assigned to Lois, and it requires very little persuasion for him to help her escape. The duo even has a flirty little moment where he asks if she needs help changing out of her hospital gown and she gets very tee-hee about it. It’s very this.

Of course, just because we can finally put a name to Kelce’s character, there’s still a lot we don’t know about Ed. Is he even real? And when Lois said the outside garden looks “like heaven,” what did he mean when he said, “It sure is, but we’re not allowed out there”? And perhaps most importantly, what detergent does the hospital use to keep his scrubs looking so white?

In non-Kelce news, Episode 3 basically lays out a list of killer suspects, all of whom exhibit expert suturing abilities. There’s Nurse Redd, whose bedside manner already screams murderer, and Father “Assless Chaps” Charlie, who apparently sews up his self-inflicted whipping wounds. (Wow, try saying that five times fast.) It would also be silly to rule out Lois as a suspect, especially after seeing what that woman can do with a turducken. Anyone who’s that comfortable stuffing and sewing animals inside other animals needs to be put away.