After being released from prison, Sahar Tabar notoriously known as the ‘Zombie’ Angelina Jolie lookalike for posting eerie Instagram photos has finally revealed her true identity on Iranian television.

Sahar Tabar, Angelina Jolie's Zombie lookalike

Sahar Tabar, Angelina Jolie’s Zombie lookalike

Contrary to popular misconception, Sahar Tabar does not resemble her ‘zombie’ alter ego. Many assumed she had cosmetic surgery to obtain her demonic appearance, but she unveiled herself on the Iranian television channel Rokna.

Who is Sahar Tabar?

Sahar Tabar is an Iranian adolescent who is believed to have had 50 surgeries in a few months. The 24-year-old, born in February 1998, whose real name is Fatemeh Khishvand, apparently embarked on a strict diet to lose weight and get down to 40kg.

She has thousands of Instagram followers at @sahartabar official, where she posts images of her makeover. Tabar, who resides in Tehran, has been compared with Tomb Raider star Angelina Jolie, but her followers have labeled her a “zombie” and “corpse bride.”

Sahar Tabar, real name Fatemah Khishvand

Sahar Tabar, real name Fatemah Khishvand

She was accused of corruption of minors. Sahar Tabar was arrested on the orders of Tehran’s guidance court, which deals with cultural offenses as well as social and moral corruption.

Blasphemy, instigating violence, obtaining money through unethical means, and fostering young corruption were among the charges leveled against her.

An Iranian state TV station identified her as a “victim with an aberrant mentality and mental state” who sought “vulgarity” on social media in October 2019.

Sahar Tabar reveals her face after her release from prison

Fatemah Khishvand was said to have had at least 50 surgeries to achieve her look. Khishvand, on the other hand, confessed that she never had surgery to get the look. According to The Sun, she has alleged that she digitally altered her photographs to obtain notoriety through a phony makeover.

Khishvand was sentenced to ten years in prison, however, she was released early owing to popular outrage. The 21-year-old lady was held in the desert cell Qarchak for 14 months, which is known as “Iran’s toughest prison for women.”

Fatemah Khishvand claims to have used special effects

Fatemah Khishvand claims to have used special effects

Ms. Tabar stated that she has always desired to be famous and that she chose the ghoulish makeover to get international attention.

The woman also stated that technology offered an easy way out. “It was far easier than being an actor,” she added. Ms. Tabar also expressed apologies and stated that the photographs were prepared as a “joke.” “My mother was telling me to stop, but I didn’t listen.”

Sahar also stated that her zombie role was neither inspired by Angelina Jolie nor the Corpse Bride. She also apologized for her eerie posts following her detention three years ago.

Although Sahar has not publicly acknowledged her time in prison, human rights organizations have stated that it is plagued by sickness, has terrible sanitation, and is rife with torture, murder, and rape.