Once considered masculine symbols for millions of women around the world, both men had to go through many ups and downs in their post-divorce life.

More than 2 decades ago, Brad Pitt and Tom Cruise walked together in the classic movie Interview with the Vampire.

Until today, the two have built a glorious career with a series of memorable milestones.

One is known as the “Box Office King”, the other is a man who specializes in artistic roles, Tom Cruise and Brad Pitt have carved into the Hollywood timeline two images of elegant, talented actors with enduring performance. solid.

Brad Pitt,Tom Cruise,Angelina Jolie,Katie Holmes,Suri,Hollywood stars,Angelina Jolie divorces Brad Pitt

Tom Cruise and Brad Pitt only acted together in Interview with the Vampire (1994).

However, when standing at the heights of glory and sweet love with female celebrities, the current lives of Brad Pitt and Tom Cruise are all mentioned with marriage scandals. Tom Cruise has replaced the image of a superhero on the silver screen with the image of a heartless, religious father who neglects his young daughter.

As for Brad Pitt – his marriage to screen queen Angelina Jolie has already consumed a lot of ink but it still seems to be nothing compared to the pressure he had to endure during the divorce.

The pinnacle of a happy marriage suddenly burst one day like a soap bubble

For the moment, let’s not talk about the career fame that Tom Cruise or Brad Pitt have gained after a fortune of dozens of blockbuster movies. Both Tom and Brad have a huge fan base around the world and are both passionate and generous.

The proof is that the ghosts who have passed through their lives are all the most beautiful, most famous and hottest angels in Hollywood. Having gone through so many breakdowns and ups and downs, it seemed like Katie Holmes or Angelina were the last stop for tamed wild horses.

The perfect married life of these two golden couples once made people flutter every time they walked hand in hand on the street. But then the sweetness did not last long, the pinnacle of a happy marriage suddenly burst one day like a soap bubble, leaving everyone stunned.

Brad Pitt,Tom Cruise,Angelina Jolie,Katie Holmes,Suri,Hollywood stars,Angelina Jolie divorces Brad Pitt

Brad Pitt and Tom Cruise – both fathers but each pitiful from a different perspective.

Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes – a muse and a hero – came together and created a beautiful doll named Suri. She was once among the “Powerful Children of Hollywood” when her parents gave her all the most luxurious and precious things – something that normal children can hardly receive.

This little princess was once Tom’s pride as he constantly confessed: “It is the most precious gift in my life” . Then, one fine day, the Mission Impossible actor’s marriage broke down.

Katie Holmes constantly condemned Tom for his distorted thinking and fanaticism towards the religion he followed. It is known that because of the harsh rules of this religious sect, his marriage with Australian swan – Nicole Kidman had to stand on the abyss of collapse.

According to what the world knows, Tom believed in this doctrine and gave many rules for little Suri to follow. Because Katie did not want her child to enter the religion she called “monster”, she filed for divorce. After the separation, the glorious life of the formerly powerful family was only a distant illusion.

Suri went from being a sought-after princess to a disgraced and almost completely forgotten girl in the world of luxury cinema. But what’s more painful is that Tom Cruise hasn’t contacted his daughter for nearly 7 years, and he almost no longer has the concept that he has a daughter that needs to be loved and cared for…

Brad Pitt,Tom Cruise,Angelina Jolie,Katie Holmes,Suri,Hollywood stars,Angelina Jolie divorces Brad Pitt

It has been a long time since people have seen Suri in the protective arms of her famous father.

What about Brad Pitt? The actor of Legend of the Fall is someone who once wanted to have many children and is the father of a large family. That dream was rejected by actress Jennifer Aniston and only came true when he met and fell in love with Angelina.

This love affair has come to fruition with Brad Pitt having 6 children, both adopted and biological, with Mrs. Smith. A wedding of the century also took place, melting the hearts of so many fans. The family of this powerful couple is the ideal model of Hollywood stars of their time.

Everyone recognizes the great happiness that Brad possesses, the pride in taking care of his mischievous children himself. A rich, happy life has made “Mr. and Mrs. Smith” forget their roles just to be immersed in fulfilling their vocation. But one beautiful day in June, the news about the no longer sweet marriage spread throughout the newspaper.

And then in September 2016, it really became true when Angie officially spoke up, she even spread the news that Brad abused his adopted son to gain an advantage in the custody battle. Up to now the fate of this marriage is still undecided.

Brad Pitt,Tom Cruise,Angelina Jolie,Katie Holmes,Suri,Hollywood stars,Angelina Jolie divorces Brad Pitt

After being happy together, now this couple only has plans left.

The abyss of father-son love is cracked

Tom Cruise and his daughter have almost no contact with each other after the marriage between him and Katie ended. Public opinion has asked why a father who loves his son so much like Tom sometimes behaves like an irresponsible person? Katie blames Tom’s religion.

The media still doesn’t know the real reason why Tom almost forgot he had a daughter. Suri still grows up every day with her mother, but instead of the happiness of living in luxury, people recognize the deep sadness of a famous but lonely girl, not loved and accepted by her father.

Tom has also passed the glory days of a famous star, his name is only old flashy combined with existing experience. However, he still coldly and alone continued his journey without paying attention to his daughter. Perhaps that’s why people call Tom a lonely and fanatical father. His fanaticism led him to become a heartless father.

Brad Pitt,Tom Cruise,Angelina Jolie,Katie Holmes,Suri,Hollywood stars,Angelina Jolie divorces Brad Pitt

Adults can leave but sadness stays in the eyes of children.

And Brad Pitt’s golden life is going through the biggest turmoil and upheaval of his life. No one was choked up when looking at his sullen face and helplessness in the face of Angelina’s strong blockade. The marriage that he once protected, hoped for, trampled on Jennifer’s tears, and overcame the ax of public opinion is now gone like smoke.

The marriage battle, especially the custody battle of the world’s most pitiful father, has a high possibility of turning him into a miserable loser. Without any beneficial evidence, Brad just choked up and brought out his love to prove to public opinion that he is a father who loves his children, a father who can do everything to protect his young children.

Brad Pitt,Tom Cruise,Angelina Jolie,Katie Holmes,Suri,Hollywood stars,Angelina Jolie divorces Brad Pitt

Brad Pitt is a family-loving person, but now, if he wants to see his children, he must notify them in advance.

People call Tom a heartless and fanatical father. As for Brad Pitt, he is not heartless, but perhaps those who love him will have many more sleepless nights when the custody battle is not yet over.