In our last video, we unraveled the shocking discovery surrounding Blue Ivy’s poisoning.

If you missed it, be sure to catch up to understand the dramatic developments. Today, we bring you an update that will redefine the narrative – Jay-Z has taken action.

They lived in a luxurious mansion in Los Angeles, where they hired a housekeeper named Maria to take care of their household chores.

Maria seemed like a friendly and trustworthy person, who always greeted them with a smile and did her job well. But behind that smile, there was a dark and twisted secret.

Maria was obsessed with Jay-Z. She had been in love with him ever since she saw him perform on TV, and she dreamed of being with him.

She hated Beyoncé for stealing him away from her, and she despised their daughter, Blue Ivy, for being the product of their love. She wanted to destroy their happiness and make Jay-Z hers.

She devised a sinister plan to harm Beyoncé and Blue Ivy with green ivy. She knew that Beyoncé was allergic to poison ivy, and that Blue Ivy had inherited that trait from her mother.

She also knew that Jay-Z loved gardening, and that he had a special spot in their backyard where he grew various plants and flowers.

She decided to plant some poison ivy seeds in that spot, and wait for them to grow.

She hoped that Jay-Z would touch the poison ivy and get a rash on his hands, and then unknowingly transfer it to Beyoncé and Blue Ivy when he hugged or kissed them.

She hoped that they would suffer from severe itching, swelling, and blisters, and that they would blame Jay-Z for their misery.

She hoped that Jay-Z would feel guilty and ashamed, and that he would leave them and come to her for comfort and support.

She waited patiently for her plan to work, but it never did. Jay-Z never touched the poison ivy, because he always wore gloves when he gardened.

Beyoncé and Blue Ivy never got a rash, because they never went near the plants. Maria’s plan failed miserably, and she was left frustrated and angry.

She realized that she had to take a more drastic measure to get rid of Beyoncé and Blue Ivy.

She decided to sneak into their bedroom at night, and inject them with a lethal dose of green ivy extract, a substance that she had obtained from a shady online source.

She hoped that they would die in their sleep, and that Jay-Z would wake up to find them cold and lifeless.

She prepared her syringe and waited for the right moment to strike. But before she could enter their bedroom, she was stopped by their security guard, who had noticed her suspicious behavior.

He searched her and found the syringe, and immediately alerted Jay-Z and Beyoncé. They were shocked and horrified to learn about Maria’s plan, and they fired her on the spot.

They also called the police, who arrested Maria and charged her with attempted murder.

Jay-Z and Beyoncé were relieved that they had escaped from Maria’s evil scheme, and they hugged and kissed each other and their daughter.

They realized how lucky they were to have each other, and they vowed to never let anyone come between them. They lived happily ever after, with no more green ivy in their lives.