Currently, public opinion is noisy about(Pax Thien Jolie) will find a way to get her child back. Real damage it like? 

Mr. Nguyen Van Trung – Director of Tam Binh center answered questions related to this issue directly.

Mr. Trung said: I confirm that there is absolutely no such thing. Baby Sang was adopted by us from Tu Du Obstetrics Hospital.

Right from the time of adoption, baby Sang did not have the name he has now and had to ask a social worker to name him.

Vietnamese orphanage where Angelina Jolie adopted Pax hope she revisits | Daily Mail Online

When the center receives the baby, it must have all procedures such as a record of abandonment made by the Obstetrics Hospital and attested by the local police.

Angelina Jolie takes Pax to visit his grandmother in Vietnam - Today's Parent
Then there will be a confirmation from the Department of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs as well as the baby’s birth certificate.

Pax - Angelina Jolie : son évolution de ses débuts à aujourd'hui - Elle
In addition, during the time the baby was born at the hospital and abandoned, the hospital made a notification and waited for up to 30 days.
After that, because no one came to receive the baby, the hospital did all the procedures to send it to the center. Over the past 3 years, we have  tried many ways to get her family to adopt her but to no avail.
That’s why only Tam Binh Center is the place that legally protects and sponsors the child and will have full authority to adopt the child.
Pax Thiên: Từ cậu bé Việt mồ côi đến người trụ cột của nhà Angelina Jolie
But according to some information, Sang’s grandparents and mother still come to the center to visit him?

Until now, I still do not know Sang’s biological mother. When we received the baby at the Center, we checked the baby’s identity, especially the baby’s mother, but could not.

As for the talk that family members still visit the child, it is completely impossible because if they did, the child might not have enough legal documents to be adopted.

Sir! What if someone now claims to be my mother and comes to the center to reclaim my child?

Cậu bé Việt Pax Thiên và 16 năm trưởng thành trong gia đình Angelina Jolie

Absolutely impossible! She was abandoned and for the past time we have been raising her and taking full legal responsibility. The mother (if she comes to the center) will not have any documents confirming that it is her child because as soon as she was born, she abandoned it.

But if a mother has to give up her child due to certain circumstances, will the center handle it?

In fact, up to now we have resolved a few cases where the mother now regrets and comes to the center hoping to get her child back. We will consider whether the mother is qualified to take care of her child or not, and has a stable career or not.

Pax Thiên trông nam tính khi xuất hiện bên Angelina Jolie

If conditions are met, we will return the child. In the case of baby Sang, if that happened before the adoption procedures were carried out, our center would still consider it. Now, it’s too late.

What if tomorrow, little Sang wants to find his origin?

Of course. We will provide all of your child’s documents so they can find their roots.

However, that is if the baby needs it. As of now, our Center also provides information about the families of some children who have been adopted and the two sides have had relationships of exchange and mutual help.

Our center really wants this because the children have a sense of returning to their roots.