Jennifer Aniston’s childhood was far from a bed of roses. Of course, the Friends alum achieved a lot of success and fame later in her adult life. But it took her a lot of hard work and patience, not only in her professional life but also in her personal relationships.

Jennifer Aniston

Jennifer Aniston

Following multiple media reports, the parents of the Murder Mystery actress got divorced when she was just 9 years old, and it took a heavy toll on Aniston, leaving her shattered to the core.

According to sources, the Cake actress’s relationship with her mother was also very complicated, and they remained estranged for over a decade without being on speaking terms.

Who Was Jennifer Aniston’s Mother?

Aniston’s mother, Nancy Dow, was an aspiring actor who tried constantly to make it big in Hollywood but reportedly said goodbye to acting in 1969. The Cake actress’s father, on the other hand, was a successful American actor and played a number of famous roles, like Victor Kiriakis on the NBC daytime drama series Days of Our Lives, for almost 37 years before taking his last breath in November 2022.

Growing up with her mother was tough for Aniston, a source mentioned. Dow was very critical of her looks and often made her question her credibility and self-esteem.

During her 51st birthday, when the Murder Mystery actress sat down for an interview with Sandra Bullock for Interview magazine, in response to being asked how she always remains positive and buoyant, she said:

“I guess I have my parents to thank. It comes from growing up in a household that was destabilized and felt unsafe, watching adults being unkind to each other, and witnessing certain things about human behavior that made me think, ‘I don’t want to do that. I don’t want to be that. I don’t want to experience this feeling I’m having in my body right now. I don’t want anyone else that I ever come in contact with to feel that.”

Her mother being critical of her, made her realize the importance of staying kind to oneself and those around her.

What Was Wrong Between Jennifer Aniston and Her Mother?

Jennifer Aniston

Jennifer Aniston

Aniston’s mother, Nancy Dow, allegedly tried to harm her daughter’s success and made some bad remarks about the Cake actress in her interviews.

Following the media, Dow was quite a bully towards her daughter since early childhood and also went on to publish a notorious tell-all memoir, From Mother to Daughter to Friends, revealing some private details about her daughter.

Many sources revealed that growing up, Jennifer Aniston dealt with a learning disorder called dyslexia, making her mother bully her even more and saying some of the nastiest things she ever heard in her life. That’s why Aniston left home to distance herself from her tyrant mother, trying to move on with her life and make a successful career in Hollywood.

Hurt and disappointed by her mother’s interviews and gruesome memoir, Aniston stopped talking to Dow and remained alienated from her for over a decade, a source mentioned. However, in 2005, Aniston’s interview got viral when she made a statement about making peace with her mother, saying-

“Yeah, it’s been really nice. It’s been really nice. It’s crazy what, you know, your life kind of being turned upside down will lead you to. … For us it’s … it was the time, and it was going to happen when it was supposed to happen. So this is good. It’s baby steps.”

She also told another publication in 2022 that she had moved past all her traumas and forgave both of her parents.

“I forgave my mom. I forgave my father. I’ve forgiven my family.”

But one can’t assume that things were “completely” fine between the mother-daughter duo even before when Dow passed in 2016, as the latter allegedly removed Aniston’s name from her will, and that’s a hell of a lot of pain to bear with.