Jennifer Lopez is often appreciated by people for her feisty fearless and confident demeanor.

But there was a time when Lopez went through a storm of emotions while filming a movie.

In 2001 when JLO was filming the movie Enough which was about a violent relationship, Lopez explained that she had to go through panic attacks on set. 

Jennifer Lopez at an event

Jennifer Lopez at an event

Lopez said that her panic attacks were unexpected and she had no idea how to deal with them on the sets of Enough

Jennifer Lopez says she froze in her Trailer 

Jennifer Lopez at an event

Jennifer Lopez at an event

Jennifer Lopez came forward with her experience during the making of Enough after a couple of years of filming.

During an interview in 2008, Lopez stated that she was busy and constantly working, which contributed to her lack of sleep. Lopez also claimed that she froze inside her trailer during the filming of the movie

“There was a time when I was very overworked and I was doing music and movies and so many things. I was suffering from a lack of sleep. And I did have a kind of nervous breakdown. I froze up on a set. Well, not on a set, but in my trailer.” 

She further added,

“I was like, ‘I don’t want to move. I don’t want to talk. I don’t want to do anything.’ It was on that movie Enough. Yeah. I did. I had a nervous breakdown.”

The Live It Up singer’s mental health deteriorated to the point where she needed to see a specialist. Lopez stated that she needed assistance at the time to deal with her mental health concerns and continuous panic attacks. 

Jennifer Lopez’s twins helped her to deal with her mental health concerns 

Jennifer Lopez with her Twins

Jennifer Lopez with her Twins

After Lopez went to a specialist with her concerns, the doctor suggested to the Shotgun Wedding actress that she should get more sleep.

The doctor explained that the reason why she was suffering from these mental health issues was because she was sleep deprived and she was overworked. The 53-year-old actress also admitted that she had never been to a shrink before.

Lopez was still experiencing panic attacks and nervous breakdowns even after she went to a specialist.

In February 2002, Lopez explained that her life changed after she gave birth to twins. She had twins with her ex-husband Marc Anthony. Motherhood and her kids helped her deal with anxiety and distress, Lopez said,

“I was like, ‘I don’t want to talk, I don’t want to do anything. My kids saved me.” 

The Boy Next Door actress also attributes her wise life choices to her children. Lopez stated that her children were always highly supportive of her every decision, even when she made some bad ones. The singer acknowledged having low self-esteem at one time in her life, which she blamed for her bad relationship choices.