Jennifer Lopez has proved time and time again just how praiseworthy and commendable she is with her immaculate works that never cease to amuse her audience – be it in the field of music-making or acting.

Yet, where there is fame there is criticism as well, and the singer cum actress was no exception to this rule.

However, unlike several others, Lopez isn’t one to just sit back and let people criticize her, no. Instead, she is more than willing to vehemently deny any criticism that simply doesn’t apply to her, even if she has been getting that throughout her career.

And that’s exactly what she did with the sexism that she has been getting forever.

Jennifer Lopez Argued About The Sexism She Received In Hollywood

Jennifer Lopez doesn't like getting called a 'diva'

Jennifer Lopez doesn’t like getting called a ‘diva’

Among all the criticism she has received throughout her career, if there’s one word that bothers Jennifer Lopez the most, it’s the word “diva”.

While most take getting called a diva as a compliment, that’s not the case with the pop star. Despite that, her reasoning behind it is stunningly genuine.

According to the Hustlers star, getting labeled as a “diva” is unsettling because women only get to be called that upon “reaching a certain amount of success,” and that is just not fair.

Speaking with The Hollywood Reporter about the sexism she has received during her time in the entertainment industry, Lopez argued about the same, claiming she doesn’t agree with any of the people who have coined her as a “diva.”

“I’ve always been fascinated by how much more well-behaved we have to be than men,” Lopez said. “I did get a moniker of being a diva, which I don’t deserve.”

Turns out, Jennifer Lopez is not only a stunning singer cum actress but an even more commendable personality in real life.

Jennifer Lopez Feels “Crippled” To Voice Her Opinions

Jennifer Lopez feels 'crippled' while trying to voice out her opinions

Jennifer Lopez feels ‘crippled’ while trying to voice out her opinions

While getting called a “diva” is one of the few “criticisms” that Jennifer Lopez can’t take, she also faces problems while trying to speak out her opinions. This stands even though she is a $400 million rich celebrity with enough star influence.

Continuing in the interview with The Hollywood Reporter, The Mother star shared how she feels intensely “crippled” sometimes while trying to “voice [her] opinion[s]” because of the industry’s boys club. She said,

“We [as women] are not allowed to have certain opinions or be a certain way, or be passionate.”

Similar criticisms and all these pre-defined standards are some of the biggest drawbacks of the entertainment industry which all the celebrities hope, along with Jennifer Lopez, will be uprooted pretty soon.