Despite the threat of reaching rock bottom following his divorce, Brad Pitt ultimately managed to quit his extreme drinking habits.

Blessed with stunning good looks and serious acting chops, Hollywood star Brad Pitt has always held the keys to superstardom.

The actor has proved time and again why he is considered one of the most desirable stars in the industry. Despite massive success, life has also thrown Pitt quite a few curveballs as far as his personal life is concerned.

Brad Pitt

Brad Pitt in Inglorious Basterds

Following a messy and highly publicized divorce from Angelina Jolie, the Oscar winner went through a dark period in his life which made him fall back into many dangerous habits that he had given up as a family man.

Ultimately, it was his children and the need to live a worthy life, that made Pitt realize the importance of sobriety.

Brad Pitt Had A Reality Check Post His Divorce From Angelina Jolie

The aftermath of separation is a difficult period to navigate, and Brad Pitt learnt this the hard way following his caustic separation from Angelina Jolie.

The Seven star who was at the center of a very messy divorce, confessed that he went through some very trying times emotionally in the following six months. Pitt bared his soul to GQ and revealed that he resorted to heavy drinking to numb the pain he was feeling.
“Truthfully I could drink a Russian under the table. I was a professional. I was good.”

Brad Pitt

Brad Pitt went through a difficult period after his divorce from Angelina Jolie

The Ocean’s Eleven star admitted that he came to his senses at the right time, and vowed to improve the quality of his life by quitting drinking completely.

Pitt revealed that his children and their welfare was the main reason behind taking this decision. The actor also held himself accountable for all his past mistakes, and wanted to make amends for the future.

Sculpting Helped Brad Pitt Get Over Divorce

While Brad Pitt, through his own confession, went through one of the lowest periods in his life following his divorce from Angelina Jolie, the actor was grateful for friends and family who were supportive of him in his hour of need.

The Mr and Mrs Smith actor revealed how he got into sculpting after being introduced to it by a close friend. The art not only taught him a new skill, but also gave him fresh perspective on life and his relationships with people. In an interview with GQ, Pitt said,

“You have to wrap your stuff up at night and bring order back to your chaos for the next day. I find it a great opportunity for the introspection.

Now you have to be real careful not to go too far that way and get cut off in that way. I’m really good at cutting myself off, and it’s been a problem. I need to be more accessible, especially to the ones I love.”

Brad Pitt

Brad Pitt in Ocean’s Eleven

The Oscar-winning actor credited all his experiences, good and bad, for teaching him valuable lessons on how to improve his life and make him a better person.