Kate Winslet spilled the beans on how Leonardo DiCaprio truly was when he first started, and let’s just say, it wasn’t exactly what one’d expect!

Kate Winslet and Leonardo DiCaprio share an incredibly unique relationship, one that is extremely rare in the industry for sure.

It appears that he wasn’t the same man all those years ago as he is today when Winslet first met him.

The poise and grace seemed to have arrived with age. Therefore, Winslet’s initial encounter wasn’t just as everyone had anticipated.

Kate Winslet and Leonardo DiCaprio in Titanic

Kate Winslet Reflects on Her First Encounter with BFF Leonardo DiCaprio

In a sneak peek behind-the-scenes featurette for Titanic’s imminent 4K Ultra HD DVD release, the star Kate Winslet delved into her bond with Leonardo DiCaprio.

She unveiled the true essence of the big Hollywood A-lister, unearthing the youthful, cheerful persona that has now become the Hollywood royalty.

In a clip obtained by Entertainment Tonight, she said,

“He was this kind of a mess of long, skinny, uncoordinated limbs, and he was just very free with himself, and he had this effervescent energy that was really magnetic. And I remember thinking, ‘Oh, this is gonna be fun. We’re definitely gonna get along.’ And we just really did. We just really did.”

Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet in Revolutionary Road

Even though the “effervescent energy” she referred to remains present, the poised and graceful man he is today emerged as a consequence of his time in the industry.

Despite no one ever envisioning Leonardo DiCaprio as a mess, that phase brought the two stars even closer.

Kate Winslet and Leonardo DiCaprio Had an Instant Connection

Kate Winslet confirming the chemistry between the two stars wasn’t necessary for audiences to sense it.

The moment they appeared together on screen, it was evident that beyond the scenes, the actors must have experienced a remarkable connection, and indeed, they did.

They “clicked immediately, right away.”

Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet in a still from Titanic

Despite the implications and the whirlwind of speculations, the two never dated. Instead, they remained an anchor for each other during tough times.

They’ve weathered numerous challenges together, expressing gratitude to one another at every step of their journey. As a result, Winslet has grown to highly value this friendship.

She stated, “You know, if you think about it, in the world that we live in now, to have friendships that bind you, and that shared history, it’s really something.”

Audiences will forever be in awe of the two actors and the bond they share.