In a recent interview, Hailey Bieber reportedly confessed to feeling envious of Selena Gomez and admitted to trying to imitate her.

The article suggests that Hailey’s acknowledgment sheds light on a possible ongoing rivalry between the two women.

The interview revealed that Hailey Bieber feels a sense of jealousy towards Selena Gomez, a pop sensation and Justin Bieber’s ex-girlfriend.

Hailey, who is currently married to Justin, admitted to trying to copy certain aspects of Selena’s life and image. The confession seemingly indicates a desire to compete or measure up to Selena’s level of success and popularity.



The article suggests that this revelation highlights the existence of a potential rivalry between the two women, which has long been a subject of speculation.

Despite Hailey and Selena seemingly moving on from any past issues, this recent candid admission may indicate otherwise. Hailey’s admission portrays a feel of insecurity and a desire to imitate Selena, possibly indicating a lingering rivalry.

Selena Gomez và Hailey Bieber dập tắt drama nhờ khoảnh khắc thân thiết -  Authentic-Shoes

Overall, the article reveals Hailey Bieber’s admission of being jealous of Selena Gomez and trying to copy her.

It suggests that this confession signifies a possible rivalry and underscores the challenges Hailey faces in establishing her own identity in the face of constant comparisons. It urges Hailey to focus on her own strengths and individuality rather than trying to imitate Selena.