Once Upon a Time in Hollywood star Brad Pitt made a fairy tale moment come to life in Los Angeles last week by helping to feed those most in need during the pandemic. 

In this extraordinary set of pictures exclusively obtained by DailyMail.com, Brad is seen like never before as he hands out boxes of groceries in South Central LA.

Crowds of people lined up to get food from a truck that the 56-year-old himself drove and unloaded for hours.

But many of them didn’t even realize they were in the presence of one of the world’s most famous men because of his casual nature and the mask he was wearing to protect himself from COVID-19.

DailyMail.com spotted Brad Pitt helping feed those in need in South Central Los Angeles last week

This is the first Brad has been seen since he reportedly split from German girlfriend Nicole Poturalski

This is the first Brad has been seen since he reportedly split from German girlfriend Nicole Poturalski

In exclusive photos obtained by DailyMail.com, Brad is seen lugging around and handing out boxes of groceries

Many of those who received groceries didn't realize they were in the presence of one of the world's most famous actors, because of his casual style and the mask he was wearing to protect himself from COVID-19

'There was zero swagger, when he went out to hand over boxes to the crowds he had his mask on,' a source told DailyMail.com. 'Most people in the crowd probably didn't know who he was'

Brad was seen taking a break from the long day's work and smoking cigarettes while chatting with a brunette. 'They sat there probably for about 20 minutes, laughing and chatting while he had another cigarette and they sipped at their drinks,' a source said
Brad was seen taking a break from the long day’s work and smoking cigarettes while chatting with a brunette. ‘They sat there probably for about 20 minutes, laughing and chatting while he had another cigarette and they sipped at their drinks,’ a source said

An eyewitness said: 'Brad really did seem like a hero, the man did not stop all day. Just seeing him driving a big truck in South Central LA during Covid times was in itself amazing'
In the first candid photos taken of him since he reportedly split from German girlfriend Nicole Poturalski, Brad can be seen smoking cigarettes and chatting with a brunette.

He even had a tender moment when one of his best friends – British artist Thomas Houseago – showed up to pitch in.

An eyewitness said: ‘Brad really did seem like a hero, the man did not stop all day. Just seeing him driving a big truck in South Central LA during Covid times was in itself amazing.

‘He was completely committed, you could see it wasn’t a case of him turning up and showing his face,’ they added. ‘He had his gloves on and he was involved as much and probably more than anyone else there.

‘His heart was in it and it was just a hats-off moment. It seemed like it was the real Brad Pitt, which we don’t really ever get to see.

‘He was there between three and four hours and he would only stop every hour or so to have a quick three-minute break to smoke a cigarette and then he was back at it.’

Brad had a tender moment when one of his best friends – British artist Thomas Houseago - showed up to pitch in

The eyewitness said: 'Brad was clearly elated to see Thomas. He seemed surprised that he had turned up, as if Brad was not expecting him to be there. They had an emotional 'hello' and a long, long hug and after that Brad pulled him in for another hug'

The eyewitness said: 'Brad was clearly elated to see Thomas. He seemed surprised that he had turned up, as if Brad was not expecting him to be there. They had an emotional 'hello' and a long, long hug and after that Brad pulled him in for another hug'
The eyewitness said: ‘Brad was clearly elated to see Thomas. He seemed surprised that he had turned up, as if Brad was not expecting him to be there. They had an emotional ‘hello’ and a long, long hug and after that Brad pulled him in for another hug’

'It was Brad Pitt like you've never seen him, with his guard totally down, laughing, joking and chatting,' the source said. 'He was interested and didn't seem to have a care in the world'

Brad got behind the wheel and was seen driving around the big truck of groceries in South Central LA to give out to those in a Housing Project

Brad got behind the wheel and was seen driving around the big truck of groceries in South Central LA to give out to those in a Housing Project
‘He was grabbing more boxes than anyone there and then carrying probably six boxes at a time on a cart,’ the source said.

‘He did that non-stop and towards the end when all the boxes had been unloaded he was handing them out to the people in line.

‘There was zero swagger, when he went out to hand over boxes to the crowds he had his mask on. Most people in the crowd probably didn’t know who he was.

‘At the end he took his mask off when he was chatting to all of the volunteers at the back of the truck after those lining up for food had gone.

‘It wasn’t about glory, you could see he was doing it for self-satisfaction. It really felt like he was in his element.’

Despite his professional success this year, which saw him take home his first Oscar and a Golden Globe for best supporting actor, Brad’s personal life has been far from smooth sailing.

He is currently locked in a bitter court battle with his ex-wife Angelina Jolie for custody of their six children. And last month it was reported that his relationship with Angelina-lookalike Nicole Poturalski, 27, is ‘totally over’ after the pair were first spotted together in August.

But the actor – once named People magazine’s sexiest man alive – appeared as relaxed as ever as he hung out with a mystery brunette in the back of his truck.

'He was grabbing more boxes than anyone there and then carrying probably six boxes at a time on a cart,' a source said. 'He did that non-stop and towards the end when all the boxes had been unloaded he was handing them out to the people in line'
‘He was grabbing more boxes than anyone there and then carrying probably six boxes at a time on a cart,’ a source said. ‘He did that non-stop and towards the end when all the boxes had been unloaded he was handing them out to the people in line’

At one point Brad went into the front of the truck and brought out a portable speaker, hooked it up to his iPhone and blasted upbeat tunes

At one point Brad went into the front of the truck and brought out a portable speaker, hooked it up to his iPhone and blasted upbeat tunes

'The whole time Brad just seemed beyond happy and was constantly dancing around and joking with people,' the source said

Brad seemed happy despite his current bitter court battle with his ex-wife Angelina Jolie for custody of their six children and breakup with Angie-lookalike girlfriend
Our source said: ‘Brad went into a local coffee shop and brought out drinks with the brunette lady and they sat on the back of the truck Brad had arrived in with the groceries.

‘They sat there probably for about 20 minutes, laughing and chatting while he had another cigarette and they sipped at their drinks.

‘She appeared to be another volunteer and they were both completely relaxed.

‘It was Brad Pitt like you’ve never seen him, with his guard totally down, laughing, joking and chatting,’ they added. ‘He was interested and didn’t seem to have a care in the world.

‘The whole time Brad just seemed beyond happy and was constantly dancing around and joking with people,’ the source said.

‘At one point he went into the front of the truck and brought out a portable speaker, hooked it up to his iPhone and blasted upbeat tunes.

‘He ate a really basic meal of what seemed to be scrambled eggs and mashed potato using a plastic knife and fork out of a polystyrene to-go container that he got from the coffee shop.’

Brad, who was dressed down in ripped jeans, white shoes and a red and black flannel shirt, appeared to enjoy his time volunteering and was seen dancing and joking with volunteers and locals

A source said that it didn't appear Brad's act of charity was about glory. 'You could see he was doing it for self-satisfaction. It really felt like he was in his element,' they said

At the end of the day Brad stuck around and was chatting to all of the volunteers at the back of the truck after those lining up for food had gone

'He was there between three and four hours and he would only stop every hour or so to have a quick three-minute break to smoke a cigarette and then he was back at it,' an eyewitness said

'He was there between three and four hours and he would only stop every hour or so to have a quick three-minute break to smoke a cigarette and then he was back at it,' an eyewitness said
While he enjoyed the beautiful LA weather and good company, Brad’s day got even better when his sculptor friend Thomas Houseago showed up.

The pair have been close for years and attended the Venice Biennale art exhibition together in 2019.

The eyewitness said: ‘Brad was clearly elated to see Thomas.

‘He seemed surprised that he had turned up, as if Brad was not expecting him to be there. They had an emotional ‘hello’ and a long, long hug and after that Brad pulled him in for another hug.

‘Brad had already been there at least an hour and a half and then out of the blue this guy started walking across the car park, they locked eyes and Brad went straight over.

‘It was obvious that they are very, very good friends. They chatted for at least half an hour and Thomas stayed after Brad left.’