Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie started dating each other in 2004 when they met on the sets of Mr. and Mrs. Smith.

Since then, the two were considered to be the hottest couple in town.

They got hitched in 2014 after sharing 6 kids together. But as time progressed, their relationship soured.

The bond soon began to crumble and the two had to end their marriage not long after tying the knot. That was a sad way to end the relationship. But what went wrong?

What went wrong with ‘Brangelina’?

Angelina Jolie Brad Pitt Animated Times

Brad Pitt’s toxic nature was one of the reasons they had to end things

6 years after Angelina Jolie filed for divorce, the couple’s divorce and custody trial continue to go ahead in full swing. But there’s no end in sight. Yet there is a big takeaway from the proceedings. The primary reason the two ended things was that their relationship had become toxic.

To be precise, Brad Pitt had begun to act toxic.

In the court proceedings, Jolie finally opened up about the abuse she had to put up with in the 12-year relationship. Pitt allegedly crossed every possible limit during their time together. She confessed to facing all this until it became too much to bear.

Who will get custody of the kids – Brad Pitt or Angelina Jolie?
Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie in custody battle

Both Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie seek custody of their children

But there is one bone of contention. Who will get their kids’ custody? The custody trial still rages on. And in one of the recent court hearings, Jolie dropped the bombshell that she and her kids were at the receiving end of some physical abuse from Brad Pitt.

The questions about Pitt’s integrity have been doing the rounds for quite some time. It has been rumored that the actor dabbled in marijuana. Consumption of excessive alcohol was another possible reason behind the two decided to go their separate ways.

Despite all this clamor, Brad Pitt is in denial. According to him, he’s not done any wrong. But Twitter claims to know what’s up.

Brad Pitt finds himself at the heart of the storm

Brad Pitt faces a lot of criticism

Brad Pitt facing criticism from all corners

Twitterati has been trying to expose Brad Pitt for quite some time now. Jolie’s latest submissions before the court provide them with the necessary ammunition. Abusing one’s kids is indeed something worth raising hell over.

One Twitter user suggests that the best way to estimate how abusive Pitt has been can be inferred from the fact that none of his kids stay with him.

The situation can’t seem to get any worse for Pitt, who faces a new attack every other day.

“those kids” are they reason they clashed in first place. You think Brad wants them around him?

— #FreeChude (@penbbr) October 5, 2022

The absolute truth is yet to come to light, as the ugly case proceeds. Till then the fans find their way into a thicket of he said, she said.