Amidst the turmoil of her divorce from singer Joe Jonas, actress Sophie Turner spent time going out at night with singer Taylor Swift – who also dated her ex-husband.

Sophie and Taylor walked arm in arm to dinner at a restaurant in downtown New York City on September 19.

Sophie and Taylor walked arm in arm to dinner at a restaurant in downtown New York City on September 19.

Two beauties attracted attention when appearing here.  Many fans could not hide their joy because they caught the beautiful everyday moments of the Game of Thrones actress and the American pop star.

Two beauties attracted attention when appearing here. Many fans could not hide their joy because they caught the daily life moments of the ‘Game of Thrones’ actress and the American pop star.

Both wore clothes that flattered their tall bodies, tied their hair in ponytails, and wore gold necklaces.

Both wore clothes that flattered their tall bodies, tied their hair in ponytails, and wore gold necklaces.

Sophie Turner, 27 years old, has been a fan of Taylor Swift for many years.  After the British beauty married Joe Jonas in 2019, she and her husband became close friends with Taylor.  Meanwhile, since 2008, Joe and Taylor dated for a few months, then the Disney singer broke up with the country music princess in a phone call that lasted only 27 seconds.  Years later, the two reconciled and became friends.

Sophie Turner, 27 years old, has been a fan of Taylor Swift for many years. After the British beauty married Joe Jonas in 2019, she and her husband became close friends with Taylor. Meanwhile, since 2008, Joe and Taylor dated for a few months, then the Disney singer broke up with the country music princess in a phone call that lasted only 27 seconds. Years later, the two reconciled and became friends.

Sophie and Joe Jonas just broke up after 4 years of marriage and have two children together.  Joe filed for divorce in court in early September on the grounds that the marriage was irretrievably broken.  Sophie kept silent the whole time.  She just returned home from filming a TV series in Spain.

Sophie and Joe Jonas just broke up after 4 years of marriage and have two children together. Joe filed for divorce in court in early September on the grounds of ‘irretrievable broken marriage’. Sophie kept silent the whole time. She just returned home from filming a TV series in Spain.

Taylor Swift is also currently single after ending her five-year relationship with actor Joe Alwyn and her brief relationship with singer Matty Healy earlier this year.  The 33-year-old star spends time with friends during her free time during the Eras Tour.

Taylor Swift is also currently single after ending her five-year relationship with actor Joe Alwyn and her brief relationship with singer Matty Healy earlier this year. The 33-year-old star spends time with friends during her free time during the Eras Tour.