There are so many stories about how some wrestlers are not people-friendly like most talents. Randy Orton recently admitted that he was once such a wrestler.

The Viper was recently a guest on The Impaulsive Podcast hosted by Logan Paul. During the episode, Randy Orton agreed to being a jerk at one point in time.

“Yes… Yeah, 100%. I… uh… 100%. But that was like my armor. I was a a**hole I think. Because I wanted people to respect me maybe. Like I’m… I don’t know, I don’t know. I just know that I grew out of that phase and I thank God that I did. But I see like footage you know, that I didn’t know the camera was rolling maybe at that autograph signing and there’s an interaction with a fan and it’s picked up and then now, they’re doing his doc on A&E that they just kind of finishing up and I’ve seen some of this footage from 10, 15 years ago. I’m like, ‘Oh my God. That’s horrible.’ You know,” Randy Orton said.

Randy Orton thanks Vince McMahon and the others for giving him multiple chances

While speaking in the same podcast, The Legend Killer shared that he considered being a jerk was the armor he wore. But he also knows how horrible it was and thanked Vince McMahon and the others including Triple H for giving him multiple chances.

“But like, that’s kind of who I was. It wasn’t coming from a place of confidence, I think it was coming from a place of like it was my armor man. Like that I was an asshole. And maybe I would get respect that way. Maybe it was a little bit of fear and I took it as respect and either way, I was fine with it.

“But luckily, I was given a second, third, fourth chance you know, from Vince McMahon coming up when I would get in trouble or I would have to you know, get sent away for a couple months, or I would have to get fined a second or third time. I just… Blessed. I am so blessed. I just had the right guys in there to kind of you know, yank my ass straight and make sure that I was walking a straight line with times that I did veer off.”