Quentin Tarantino has been more than impressed with Samuel L. Jackson’s ability to read his dialogue. The only issue Tarantino once had with it was that some assumed Jackson came up with most of Tarantino’s lines himself.

Where Samuel L. Jackson believes his bond with Quentin Tarantino comes from

Quentin Tarantino and Samuel L. Jackson at the Walk of Fame.

Samuel L. Jackson and Quentin Tarantino | Chelsea Lauren/WireImage

Since collaborating on Pulp Fiction, Jackson and Tarantino have worked on several projects together. A good chunk of Tarantino’s filmography includes The Avengers star in some capacity. They’ve gotten so close on set that Tarantino sometimes found it difficult not to write a script with Jackson in mind.

“I definitely often write for Sam Jackson. I know his rhythms. I feel like he can turn my lines into poetry. In fact, the character of Bill in Kill Bill, when I first put pen to paper, was Sam Jackson. And finally I had to stop it. I knew I didn’t want to cast Sam Jackson as Bill,” Tarantino once said in an interview with the New York Times.

Jackson felt the bond he shared with Tarantino came from their shared love for cinema.

“I think the kinship that Quentin and I really share is the fact that his love of movies is like mine. Movies for me were my companions. When I didn’t want to be bothered with other kids, I read a book or I watched a movie, and I still do that and he still does that,” Jackson once said in an interview with TNP.