One of the most expensive cars of Sandler Adam Sandler driving

Here’s What Adam Sandler Drives

Anyone who has been alive longer than 12 years probably knows who Adam Sandler is. He’s been such a force in Hollywood, it would take a while to come up with a more prolific actor of the 2000s. Such an amazing career can only bring good tidings for the car industry, and yes, Sandler has been eating up the car life with a big spoon.

His $420 million net worth affords him a relatively above-average taste in cars. While his movies have put smiles on many a face, his cars are nothing to laugh about. Unlike most other celebrities hovering around that kind of sea of money, however, he chooses a more conservative approach to his choice of whip.

His vehicles are more family-oriented than not—certainly classy and extravagant, but more the kind that the wife would allow you to take your daughter to school with.

One Of Sandler’s Most Priced Cars Is A Sleek Black Cadillac DTS

Via: Pinterest

Sandler has been spotted either picking up or dropping off his wife in his Cadillac DTS. This car is not very edgy. It is, however, a very luxurious machine.

In sharp contrast to the bright and bubbly characters Sandler often portrays in his movies, his DTS is a rather dark presence, with its jet black paint coat. The DTS is roomy enough to house five passengers without the front passengers having to live through wails of discomfort from the three in the back.

Just Because Cadillac: Sandler Also Owns A Cadillac CTS

Via: NY Daily News

Being the owner of Happy Madison Productions means you can stop by your local Cadillac dealership and dish out however much is needed to drive out of the establishment with a spanking new Cadillac CTS, and Sandler did just that.

While a step down from the V8 engine found in the DTS,the V6 in the CTS is no detriment to it being a formidable machine. The Cadillac CTS variant of sedans, however, has now been succeeded by the Cadillac CT5, with the last CTS having been rolled out in 2019.

Surprise Surprise: Sandler Owns A Cadillac Escalade As Well

Via: Amazon

Not to be left out of badassery, Sandler’s choice of SUV is a Cadillac Escalade. His is an economical version, sporting an electric engine. It comes as no surprise though, as many celebrities own hybrid cars as part of their fleet. Sandler loves the Escalade so much, he even went so far as to sneak in some product placement for an older version of the Escalade in one of his movies, Jack and Jill.

A Dodge Challenger SRT

Via Zimbio

The Dodge Challenger SRT is quite out of character for the actor, but he’s been spotted ferrying himself around in the muscle car a number of times, albeit hardly displaying the flex that most people with this particular set of wheels do.

Adam Sandler takes a more conservative and friendly approach to the fact that he can so easily out-power most people on the highway with this whip. He even pauses to take selfies with fans.


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