Perhaps everyone has more or less heard the name Taylor Swift, especially music lovers. She is a famous singer who continuously breaks records in music, becoming person of the year according to votes in the famous magazine Times.

Female singer Taylor Swift

Taylor Swift is a famous female singer worldwide, with many fans.

The Eras Tour is a huge scale tour to pay tribute to the golden milestones in Taylor Swift’s illustrious 17-year career, currently 1/3 of the way through. As expected, all the countries the singer visited noted that this tour helped them boost their local economies.

Eating habits are one of the secrets that help Taylor stay physically fit and sing more than 40 songs continuously.

Many audiences said that they had never imagined a tour of this magnitude before. Taylor Swift can sing non-stop for 3 and a half hours, continuously from one song to the next while still maintaining quality, without showing any signs of fatigue.

In an interview in Stylecraze, Taylor shared some of her eating habits that help her maintain her health and appearance. All are simple and everyone can refer to apply:

Taylor Swift’s eating habits

– Regularly drink filtered water

Taylor Swift believes that to keep our bodies in the healthiest and most toned state, we need to continuously replenish water to our bodies. She drinks up to 10 bottles of water a day, so much that even Taylor’s friends think it’s a joke. However, it is true, she also has a separate box of drinking water in the car.

Drinking enough water every day not only brings many benefits to health but also to beauty. First of all, maintaining the body always hydrated helps balance water and regulate body temperature. This not only helps the body function more efficiently but also helps maintain the flexibility of muscles and joints.

Drinking water is an indispensable part of singers, not just Taylor.

In addition, drinking enough water every day also helps cleanse the body by removing accumulated toxins. Eliminating toxins is extremely important for overall health and also affects the skin, helping to cleanse the skin from the inside, reducing the risk of acne and other skin problems.

– Eat healthy during the week and “let loose” on the weekend

Taylor Swift always follows a healthy diet. The female singer mainly eats salads, sandwiches, yogurt and avoids sugary drinks. During a few hungry moments, she uses fruit salad to quench her cravings for sweets. Sometimes they also combine a lot of vegetables and fish with salad to supplement enough nutrients.

According to experts, a healthy diet helps provide the body with all the necessary nutrients such as protein, fat, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. They are essential to maintain the functioning of organs and systems in the body, thereby supporting growth and development.

Taylor doesn’t force herself to abstain too much and sometimes eats her favorite foods.

Besides, healthy eating is also the “key” to strengthening the body’s immune system. Foods rich in antioxidants and anti-bacterial substances such as vegetables, fruits and nuts… protect the body against infectious diseases and harmful agents from the environment.

However, on weekends, the female singer rewards herself with the foods she likes, rather than forcing herself into a constant routine. Taylor Swift often eats burgers and fries – dishes that are quite high in calories. She also likes cookies and toffee made by her mother, just not too much.

– Snack on healthy foods

Almost everyone has a craving for snacks every day, even Taylor Swift is no exception, especially when composing music or waiting for a performance. During the Eras tour, snacking became one of the female singer’s essential needs. She tries to eat the healthiest foods like peanut butter, blueberries or flax seeds…

Experts explain that healthy snacks are often made from natural ingredients, low in saturated fat and sugar, and rich in nutrients. For example, dried fruits, nuts or brown rice cakes… will help provide vitamins, minerals and fiber to the body.

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Healthy snacks help Taylor stay energized on tour.

An expert’s perspective on Taylor Swift’s habits

Experts say that Taylor Swift’s eating habits are really good for her health, suitable for the current young generation. According to Elisabetta Politi – expert at the Center for Diet and Fitness at Duke University (USA), the female singer eats very lightly and is not too disciplined, so it is easy to maintain long-term.

Taylor Swift drinks lots of water and limits sugary drinks. She also doesn’t force herself to eat the same way, but still allows herself to enjoy the foods she likes. This helps the female singer avoid stress due to dieting, creating a comfortable feeling to maintain this diet for a long time.