Trevor Noah’s Parents: Things You Need To know About His Relationship With His Father and Mother

Trevor Noah is widely regarded as one of the most talented stand-up comedians to come out of South Africa. He has the capacity to make light of weighty issues that are relevant to real life while at the same time attracting attention to such issues. People are more interested in the comedian’s history because he is so great at what he does (he is also a variety of other things), and because he is a variety of other things. In the midst of the restrictions of apartheid-era South Africa, Trevor Noah’s parents managed to get married and have a kid. According to what he said in his book titled “Born a Crime,” we discovered some fascinating information about his parents, who committed the act of giving birth to him as a crime.

Both of Trevor Noah’s parents are from Africa, however his father is Swiss-German and his mother is South African.

Trevor Noah, who is now 37 years old, was born on February 20, 1984 in the city of Johannesburg, in the province of Gauteng, South Africa. His parents are Robert Noah and Patricia Nombuyiselo. His father, Robert, is a Swiss-German immigrant to South Africa, and his mother, Patricia, is a Xhosa lady from South Africa. Robert was born in South Africa. In the South African system of apartheid, Robert was automatically placed in the category of white, while his girlfriend Patricia was placed in the category of black. On the other side, Trevor was classified as a member of the underrepresented minority group.

Trevor Noah

Robert moved his family to Johannesburg, South Africa, when he was 46 years old in order to take charge of the establishment of a chain of grocery stores with a Swiss focus. Hillbrow is a neighborhood in Joburg that is home to a big number of white people who are opposed to racism. Patricia, on the other hand, lived and worked in Hillbrow. Perhaps Robert was one of these folks who were white.

While residing in the same building, Trevor Noah’s parents are said to have first met, been friends with, and finally fallen in love with one another. Patricia didn’t want to marry Robert outright because of the apartheid restrictions, but she did want to have a baby with him as a form of disobeying the regulations. She believed that this would be the most effective way to challenge the apartheid regulations. On the other hand, Robert was opposed to the idea due to the fact that any (colored) child that would be produced as a consequence of this would be his property. After some time had passed, he came to a different conclusion and granted Patricia’s request, which resulted in the birth of Trevor Noah.

Some Information Regarding Trevor’s Father, Robert Noah

Robert Noah, Trevor Noah’s father, and Trevor Noah both

Full name: Robert Noah

Dual citizenship in Switzerland and Germany

Unknown as to the date of birth

Age: Undetermined

46 years old when he first met Trevor’s mother.

Businessman was his line of work.

The individual’s current marital status is a mystery.

It seemed likely that many individuals in South Africa had never encountered a guy like Robert Noah before. He chose to have a kid with a black woman despite the fact that many other white males would have been terrified to do so at the time. On the other hand, Robert is a private individual, and there is only a limited amount of information about him that is accessible to the broader public. For instance, Trevor’s mother ended up getting remarried, while Robert’s mother has never been identified. According to the information that we’ve gathered, he was a chef in both Canada and New York before moving to South Africa to establish a chain of supermarkets that were owned by Swiss investors.

Later on, Robert opened the very first integrated restaurant in Johannesburg, South Africa, which had a special permission to serve black customers. The was quite successful despite the fact that a significant number of white people sent petitions to the government requesting that it be closed down. It was first reported that he was responsible for the health problems that occurred because he failed to maintain the restaurant clean, however this was not the case. In spite of the fact that he refused to create separate bathrooms for black people and white people, he was compelled to shut the diner in order to prevent the disturbances caused by the apartheid administration.

Learn More About Trevor’s Mother, Patricia Nombuyiselo Noah

Both Trevor Noah and his mother, Patricia Nombuyiselo, are well-known comedians.

Full name: Patricia Nombuyiselo Noah

South African is one’s nationality.

Unknown as to the date of birth

Age: Undetermined

She was 24 years old when she first met Trevor’s dad.

Occupation: a mystery at this time

Current marital status: Divorced (Ngisaveni Abel Shingange)

Patricia Nombuyiselo is a member of the Xhosa tribe, which is indigenous to South Africa. She attended a school run by missionaries in Transkei, where she picked up the skills of reading and writing. She was able to get employment at a factory quite fast, and as a result, she was able to afford a meal every day. At the age of 21, she decided to leave her hometown in search of better opportunities. She relocated to Soweto, where she attended a secretarial school and gained the skills she needed to make a better life for herself.

She was employed as a typist by a multinational pharmaceutical , and she leased an apartment in Johannesburg from an outsider in violation of the law while she was there. As a result of Patricia’s exceptional performance at work, she was eventually given the position of supervisor of the administrative support staff. Her new job gave her the opportunity to support both herself and her kid in a way that was not extravagant.

What are the implications of Trevor Noah’s parents’ marital status, if it was known?

The birth of Trevor Noah occurred at a period in which his parents were not married. Patricia was fully aware of the repercussions of her involvement with them, which resulted in her spending a lot of time in prison. She intended to conceive and have a child for her white lover, Robert, as a means of protesting the apartheid system that was in place in South Africa at the time.

Which of Trevor Noah’s Parents Had the Largest Influence on His Development as a Child?

Patricia hid her relationship with Robert because of fear that she would be punished for violating the rules that prohibited black women from dating white men. She did this so that she would not face the consequences of her actions. When she found out she was pregnant, she did all in her power to avoid running into Robert in public, and she continued to do so after Noah was born. She was extremely careful to avoid any kind of confrontation with him. It is uncommon for South African parents to have the kind of close contact with their children that Trevor Noah’s parents had with him.

The majority of Trevor Noah’s childhood was spent with him being cared for by his mother. He lived with his maternal grandmother, Nomaliza Frances Noah, for extended periods of time while his mother was incarcerated for violating one or more apartheid regulations. During this time, he was not allowed to see his mother. The young man never understood why his father was so absent in his life, but when social boundaries between white and black culture started to crumble, he was able to get greater access to his father, although in a covert manner. The young man was always mystified as to why his father was so absent.

Patricia made it a habit to keep a significant distance between herself and her kid whenever they were out in public together so that no one would mistake her for Noah’s mother. On the other side, Robert would wait for them in the park; but, if young Trevor saw him and ran up to him, calling out for his father, Robert would hastily retreat until they were safely out of sight. At other times, the three members of the family would get together at Robert’s home, which, once they were inside, was the safest place for them to be.

So, even though it seemed as if Trevor Noah spent more time with his mother than with his father, the latter wasn’t entirely absent, and the two got along quite well whenever they were forced to interact. However, when he was approximately 13 years old, his father relocated to Cape Town, and after that, he didn’t hear from his father for the next seven years. During that time, he was completely cut off from his family. On the other side, it was his mother who encouraged him to look locate his father, which he ultimately accomplished. When Trevor saw his father, who had diligently compiled printouts of Trevor’s appearances in local newspapers as well as advertisements from his comedic gigs, he felt a sense of relief. His father had done this work.

Trevor was raised by Patricia to have a Brave Heart.

Trevor writes in his book “Born a Crime” that his mother was the one who most significantly influenced him to become the person he is today. He remarked that she is the most important person in his life and that he would have evolved into a different person if it were not for the influence that she had on him. Patricia brought up Trevor in the black parts of South Africa so that she would not have to answer questions from the government about how she came to have a kid of a different race. In spite of this, she went ahead and brought him to the township, although behind his back, so that he might have a better grasp of the circumstances.

Patricia made it her mission to ensure that Trevor was able to devote sufficient time to learning as a youngster. She did this by providing him with enough reading material, as well as by instructing and motivating him to become fluent in a number of languages. Trevor is now fluent in a number of South African languages, Xhosa, Zulu, Afrikaans, Tswana, Tsonga, Southern Sotho, and English. He is considered a polyglot due to his proficiency in these languages. In his autobiography, Trevor reveals that his mother raised him not in the cultural sense of being reared as a white kid, but rather in the sense of instilling in him the idea that the whole world is his oyster. This is something that Trevor’s mother wanted to teach him.

On the other side, Frances Noah, Trevor’s grandmother, had a significant role in his development throughout his childhood. During the time that Patricia was incarcerated for violating the apartheid regulations, Trevor’s grandma was mostly responsible for his care and provided him with comfort. Additionally, he conveyed his appreciation to her for the part she played in molding him into the person he is today.

Ngisaveni Abel Shingange was Trevor Noah’s Abusive Stepfather while Trevor Was a Child.

Trevor Noah’s other relatives, Andrew and Isaac Ngisaveni, were born after his mother divorced Robert Noah and married Ngisaveni Abel Shingange. This occurred after Robert Noah was Trevor’s father. On the other hand, nobody would have wanted to be a party to Patricia and Ngisaveni’s wedding if they could have helped it. Because Patricia was so cruel to Ngisaveni, he once beat her so badly with old bicycle frames in front of their other neighbors that she went into a coma. This was a common occurrence at their slum home because of Patricia’s behavior.

She got up the courage to file for divorce from him in 1996, and she wed Sfiso Khoza in July 2009; however, she was unaware that her problems were just getting started at the time. After Patricia was discarded, Ngisaveni went looking for her and shot her in the face. The bullet went through Patricia’s ear, nose, and skull but missed all of the major nerves in her face. He left her there and went in search of Trevor with the intention of also shooting him, but he was unable to find Trevor, and Patricia was able to get away. Patricia managed to get away. He ended up in jail, as was to be anticipated, and that was the last time any of us heard from him.

While Patricia was in the hospital healing, Trevor’s feelings of animosity against Ngisaveni were at an all-time high; nevertheless, his mother managed to talk him out of harboring those feelings. In retrospect, he acknowledges how insightful his mother’s counsel was, despite the fact that he was oblivious to the reasons behind it at the time. The nature of Trevor and Ngisaveni’s connection, on the other hand, remains a mystery because of all of the controversy that has surrounded the well-known comedian, his mother, his father, and his stepbrothers.

The Relationship That Trevor Currently Has with His Parents and Other Members of His Extended Family

Isaac Shingange, like Trevor Noah, received his education at Maryvale College in Johannesburg, South Africa, which is still in existence to this day. In contrast to his violent father, he was a fantastic friend to his half-siblings and a loving brother to them as they grew up. It was hard to tell who their dads were based on anything other than the fact that they had similar skin tones. Aside from the fact that he could be Trevor Noah’s stepbrother, not much is known about Isaac other than that he is a comedian.

The city of Johannesburg is where both Andrew and his brother were born and raised. He and his siblings enrolled at Maryvale College together, but he did not pursue his study after that. Recent reports state that he is now married and has children, but other than that, very little information is known about him. He is well known for his role as Trevor Noah’s younger brother, which he continues to play until now.

According to the information that we have, Trevor Shingange’s brothers, Andrew and Isaac Shingange, both reside in South Africa and have, for the most part, avoided the public eye. It is stated that Trevor Noah’s famous brother, mother, and maybe even stepfather (Trevor Noah’s father, Robert Noah) have a cordial relationship with one another, if not a brotherly bond.

It is claimed that they are doing well and have avoided any troubles despite the fact that their professions do not have the same amount of fame that Trevor’s has. However, there is very little information available about their abusive father, who was apprehended shortly after killing their mother and going on the hunt for Trevor. It’s possible that he’s come to a different conclusion since he’s been conspicuously absent from recent events involving Trevor, his mother, and even his stepbrothers.


This article’s and biography have both undergone extensive investigation and been derived entirely from reliable sources.

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