Nutritionist shares best breakfast combo for reducing anxiety
The expert noted when chocolate can be a good breakfast ingredient
Breakfast, known as the most important meal of the day, can significantly impact your mental clarity, energy levels and focus throughout the day.
Dr Sophia Komninou has shared her insights on the ideal breakfast combinations to set you up for the day and cut out your anxiety.
If you’re grappling with Monday blues or anticipating a stressful day at work or school, the nutritionist suggests a specific four-ingredient breakfast.
Begin with a base of oats or porridge, add bananas and certain nuts like almonds, cashews, and Brazil nuts and accompany it with a cup of chamomile tea or green tea.
While chamomile tea might seem an unusual choice when you’re aiming to energise rather than doze off, its calming properties can help mitigate morning anxiety.
Dr Komninou elaborated: “The porridge provides slow-releasing carbs to keep you focused until lunch, while bananas are packed with potassium to help with nerve function and reduce anxiety. The magnesium in nuts helps relax your body and supports brain function.”
Working in collaboration with Best Western Hotels to curate and share top breakfast recipes, the nutritionist recommends adding just a handful of nuts and plant or dairy milk to your porridge.
When the stress of the week weighs you down and you’re seeking a bit of weekend tranquillity, the nutritionist dished on some savoury breakfast ideas for unwinding on the weekend.
She suggests treating yourself to a sumptuous spread of egg and avocado toast, complemented by a relaxing cup of chamomile tea
If you’re gearing up for a day packed with activities or planning to enjoy a few drinks, the expert recommends opting for whole grain toast.
She advised avoiding overly salty dishes that might lead to dehydration even before any alcoholic beverages come into play.
Delving into the details, she mentioned: “Eggs and avocado on wholegrain toast are a must. They supply amino acids like cysteine and glutathione, which help break down alcohol’s byproducts and reduce the chances of headaches.”
She added: “Wholegrain toast with almond butter delivers complex carbs and magnesium for muscle relaxation and nervous system function. Pair it with a banana, rich in vitamin B6, to support serotonin production, and sip on chamomile tea, which contains calming bioactive compounds.”
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