Howard SternMocks Trevor Noah’s Hosting …All Positive at Grammys

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Trevor Noah‘s Grammy Awards hosting performance has received widespread praise — but Howard Stern‘s not hopping on that bandwagon, instead criticizing the comedian’s gushing positivity.

The radio icon offered his review of the Grammys while on his SiriusXM show … taking the comedian to task for approaching the award ceremony with zero edge … calling him more “cheerleader” than roastmaster.

HS played a few clips from TN’s monologue … where Trevor called Mark Ronson a “legend” and heaped praise on Grammy winner 21 Savage.

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Stern went to town on that part, imagining Noah continuing to talk about Savage’s detail-oriented financial nature and even his “great ass” … before adding, “No one is safe, no one is off limits from my admiration, and you will hear it tonight!“

Howard did cut Noah some slack, acknowledging hosting a major awards show’s an impossible job — and pointed to Jo Koy‘s disastrous Golden Globes monologue as a prime example of a host trying “to make a few jokes and they almost f***ing killed the guy.”

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Howard’s seemingly in the minority here BTW … with Noah getting 2 thumbs up from a whole bunch of people including Taylor Swift who said he did a “beautiful job” in a sweet backstage moment.

Not exactly a surprise there … as we previously reported, Noah got a little revenge on the NFL for Taylor during his opening monologue — promising to cut to former NFL linebacker Terry Crews after every Taylor reference.

It didn’t sound like Howard was throwing his hat in the ring to be the next host … but imagine how edgy that would be! The Grammys would never.