Trevor Noah, a world-famous comedian and TV host, has just made an emotional confession, revealing that he cried for a week after the passing of his grandmother, whom he affectionately called “Gogo”. For Trevor, Gogo was not only his closest relative, but also a symbol of strength, resilience, and undying family love.

Trevor shared in a recent interview that he felt “heartbroken” when he heard the news of Gogo’s death. Although he knew that his grandmother was getting weaker with age, he did not expect the loss to be so painful. “I cried for a week,” Trevor said. “Every time I think about her, I can’t help but feel emotional. Gogo was the rock of the family, the light of my life.”

Gogo lived for more than 90 years – an incredible number for anyone, especially someone who lived through the ups and downs and injustices of apartheid in South Africa. Trevor always considered her a true warrior who inspired him and taught him important life lessons.

Trevor often spoke about her on his shows, describing her as a strong woman with a great sense of humor. He recalled warm memories of sitting and chatting with her at their small house in Soweto, where she often told stories about life under Apartheid.

“Gogo’s stories taught me how to face difficulties and always keep the faith,” Trevor shared. “She had a different way of looking at life, full of strength and joy.”

Trevor Noah reveals crying the whole week, after Gogo passes on… - YouTube

Trevor also expressed great regret at not being able to be with Gogo in her final days due to her busy work schedule and geographical distance. “I wish I could hug her one last time, tell her how much she meant to me,” he said, choking up.

To honor Gogo, Trevor said he is planning a special project to tell her story – a South African woman who overcame adversity to raise her family with love and sacrifice.

“Gogo’s life was an inspiration,” Trevor said. “I want the world to know her, to understand that sometimes ordinary people have the power to change a generation.”

Gogo’s passing has not only left a hole in Trevor’s heart, but also reminded him of his responsibility to preserve her legacy. Trevor pledged to continue working hard and spreading the positive message she taught him.

“We lose loved ones, but their love and lessons will live on,” Trevor said through tears. “Gogo, I love you, and I know you’re smiling from afar.”

Trevor Noah’s story is not only a personal tragedy, but also a profound reminder of the value of family and loving relationships in life. Gogo is gone, but her love will always be the guiding light for Trevor on the road ahead.