Jamie Lee Curtis Says She's 'Turned on by Creativity' and Will Continue to  'Create Until I Die'


“Leave Now! Prince Harry Embarrassed as Jamie Lee Curtis Publicly Throws Him Out of the American Film Institute Event”

What was supposed to be a night of glory for acclaimed actress Jamie Lee Curtis, as she received an honorary degree from the American Film Institute at the TCL Chinese Theater in Hollywood, took a sudden and dramatic turn when Curtis publicly confronted and expelled Prince Harry, leaving the royal family member visibly humiliated.

The incident unfolded as Prince Harry attended the event to support his wife Meghan Markle’s close friend, Jamie Lee Curtis. As Curtis made her way to the stage, she suddenly stopped in her tracks and pointed directly at the prince. “There’s someone here tonight that needs to leave right now!” Curtis declared into the microphone, her voice firm and unyielding. “Prince Harry, this is not your place. You need to exit the premises immediately before I begin my speech.”

The audience erupted into a chorus of shocked murmurs, unsure of how to react to the movie star’s bold confrontation of the royal. Prince Harry sat frozen, his face flushing with embarrassment as all eyes turned toward him. Curtis continued, her finger still pointed at the prince, “I’m serious. You need to go. This is my moment, not yours. I won’t have you disrupting this ceremony, so do everyone a favor and leave right now!”

For a moment, it seemed as if Harry might attempt to stand his ground and defend his presence. But after a brief hesitation, he slowly rose from his seat, head bowed, and made his way toward the exit, the audience watching in stunned silence as he quietly slipped out of the theater. Curtis nodded firmly and turned back to the microphone, “Now, as I was saying…” she continued, her tone shifting to one of genial composure, “I am truly honored to be receiving this award from the American Film Institute.”

Though the rest of Curtis’s speech was met with enthusiastic applause, the dramatic exchange with Prince Harry remained the talk of the evening. Attendees and those following the event on social media were left bewildered by the actress’s sudden and uncompromising admonishment of a royal.

“It was just so unexpected and frankly uncomfortable to watch,” said film critic Emma Watson. “You could see the embarrassment written all over Prince Harry’s face as he had no choice but to leave. Jamie Lee Curtis really put him on the spot there.”

Representatives for Prince Harry and the American Film Institute declined to comment on the incident. However, royal commentators were quick to speculate on the potential reasons behind Curtis’s public rebuke. “It’s possible there is some bad blood between Jamie Lee Curtis and the royal family, perhaps stemming from comments or actions related to Harry and Meghan’s departure from the UK,” suggested royal expert Nigel Farash. “Or it could simply be that Curtis wanted the spotlight solely on herself tonight and saw Harry’s presence as an unwelcome distraction.”

Others pointed to the ongoing tensions between the Duke of Sussex and the British media, suggesting that Curtis’s outburst might have been a statement of solidarity with Harry’s efforts to distance himself from the intense public scrutiny. “Jamie Lee Curtis has never shied away from expressing her political views and supporting social issues,” noted entertainment journalist Samantha Wiins. “Perhaps she felt that Harry’s presence at the event represented the very royal institution and media attention he has so publicly rejected. Her actions tonight could be seen as her way of supporting Harry’s quest for a more private life.”


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Regardless of Curtis’s motivations, the incident has undoubtedly sparked a wave of discussion and debate within both royal and Hollywood circles. Some have praised Curtis for her bold and unapologetic stance, while others have criticized her for publicly humiliating a member of the British royal family.

“It was a really cringeworthy moment,” said moviegoer Liam Donovan. “I get that Curtis wanted the focus to be on her, but there were surely better ways to handle it than calling out Prince Harry in front of everyone. It just felt mean-spirited, to be honest.”

However, die-hard Curtis fans have rallied to the actress’s defense, arguing that she was well within her rights to demand that Harry leave the event. “This was Jamie Lee Curtis’s night to shine, and she wasn’t going to let some royal interloper steal her thunder,” said superfan Emily Reiran. “Good for her for standing up for herself and making it clear that Harry wasn’t welcome. She’s a strong, independent woman who doesn’t take any nonsense, and I respect that.”

As the dust settles on the unexpected confrontation, questions remain about the lasting impact it may have on Prince Harry’s public image and relationship with the British media. Some speculate that the incident could further fuel the narrative of the Duke as a somewhat hapless and embattled royal, unable to garner the respect and deference typically afforded to members of the Windsor family.

“This kind of public humiliation is exactly the sort of thing that Harry has been trying to avoid since stepping back from royal duties,” said royal biographer Camila Tomany. “It plays right into the ‘poor Prince Harry’ storyline that the tabloids love to push, and I wouldn’t be surprised if we see them capitalizing on this episode in the days and weeks to come.”

Regardless of the potential fallout, one thing is certain: Jamie Lee Curtis’s bold and unapologetic confrontation of Prince Harry will undoubtedly go down as one of the most talked-about moments of the 2024 American Film Institute honors ceremony. Whether viewed as a triumphant stand for artistic integrity or a cruel and unnecessary public shaming, the incident has certainly left an indelible mark on the evening.