Fans are tired of hearing David Ayer talk about 2016’s ‘Suicide Squad’.

“Oh my god enough already”: David Ayer Fans Turn on Him as Ex-DCEU Director Continues Crying Over Panned Film

David Ayer once hoped that his cut of the 2016’s Suicide Squad would see the light of day. The director recently claimed that it was one of the best movies he has ever made, and there was a surge of campaigns suggesting the release of his version after Warner Bros. decided to meddle with his creative decisions.

david ayerDavid Ayer

Many changes were made during the post-production stage, and with Zack Snyder’s Justice League finally out in the world, the filmmaker felt renewed hope. However, Ayer also admitted that DC and Warner Bros. have been very silent about this matter.

David Ayer Opens Up About His Disappointment At 2016’s Suicide Squad

During an interview with The Hollywood Reporter, former DCEU director David Ayer confessed his true feelings about Suicide Squad and how his original version was a better one than the theatrical release.

“I made a great film. The people who have seen my cut have pretty much unanimously said that it’s one of the best comic book movies ever made. If someone who’s seen the cut wants to dispute that, then they can come talk to me.”

According to Ayer, he endured all the chatters and did his job to sell the movie even though he was devastated by the outcome. He said nothing for years, but this time, he was ready to speak up.

“I was pilloried, pilloried, in the media again and again over it, and then pilloried again and again in the press launch of subsequent IPs, but I kept my mouth shut for years. I learned that nature abhors a vacuum, and if you don’t tell your story, then somebody else will.”

Suicide Squad 2016Suicide Squad (2016)

The Beekeeper helmer expressed his disappointment at the situation, revealing that it left a huge scar on him and eventually took a lot of equity from his career. With all his efforts trying to convince people to give room for his Suicide Squad cut, even speaking to James Gunn about it, the studio remains nonchalant.

“I can take the hint. It’s been radio silent, and I’m done pushing a rock uphill. There are great places and great partners out there to work with, and I just want to focus on being a great partner and making some good movies.”

Does this mean that Ayer has given up all of his hopes to show the world his original plan for Suicide Squad? Perhaps it is best to move on and pursue other projects that would align with his creative visions.

DC Fans Want David Ayer To Shut Up And Let It Go

Suicide Squad 2016 Harley QuinnHarley Quinn in Suicide Squad

Even DC fans admitted feeling unconcerned about David Ayer’s version of Suicide Squad. There was also speculation that the Ayer Cut in question does not really exist, while others just plainly want him to let it all go. Check out their reactions below:

With DC Studios now under new management headed by James Gunn and Peter Safran, it remains to be seen whether they would find Ayer Cut still worthy to release in public or to just abandon it for good.