Friends reunited: Emma Watson looks ecstatic as she greets best pal Roberto Aguire with a lingering squeeze

She may be a multi-millionaire who has starred in one of the most popular film franchises of all time.

But at the end of the day Emma Watson is just like any other 23-year-old, who likes nothing more than hanging out with her friends.

And on Saturday the Bling Ring star proved just that as she couldn’t contain her excitement when she reunited with best pal Roberto Aguire in Nashville and ran into his arms to enjoy a massive hug.

Excited: Emma Watson looked delighted as she met up with Roberto Aguire in Nashville over the weekend

As she arrived at her hotel in Tennessee. Emma was greeted by her actor friend, who she met while filming Harry Potter And The Goblet Of Fire.

Roberto, 24, graduated from New York University in 2011 and went on to star in independent film Struck By Lightning, written by Glee star Chris Colfer.

The friends held on tightly to each other in what looked like a very satisfying embrace before heading off with who seemed to be his parents, catching up along the way.

Looking her usual chic self the This Is The End star wore a pair of slim fit dark blue jeans with a white tank top and a red boucle style jacket.

Couldn’t be happier: Emma and her actor friend met on the set of Harry Potter And The Goblet Of Fire

Old friends: Roberto graduated from new York University last year and soon after starred in Glee star Chris Colfer’s film Struck By Lightning

Hold on tight: The actress didn’t appear to want to let go from her satisfying looking hug

Lots of laughs: Emma and Roberto were very animated as they chatted away

Opting for comfort she slipped on a pair of sandals and she wore her mid length hair off her face in a messy bun.

Roberto, who had red tinged hair, was just as casually dressed in a pair of  jeans with a loose fitting grey T-shirt.

In his hands he carried what appeared to be a box of cupcakes, although it’s unclear whether they were a gift for Emma or from her.

Family: It looked as if the man was joined by his family for his day out with Emma

Looking good: Emma was her usual chic self in a pair of jeans with a red boucle jacket

Come here! Emma’s friend couldn’t wait to give her a massive hug

Her visit to the south came just a few days after the Hollywood premiere of her latest film The Bling Ring.

The film, which sees her play part of an LA burglary gang, is a massive departure from the role she played in Harry Potter for 11 years.

Speaking to the Daily Mail’s Baz Bamigboye she revealed her preparation for the role was like an anthropological study:

Trim: The star’s tight jeans showed off her slim legs very well

Cheering: Emma’s excited behaviour certainly had everyone she was with smiling

High spirits: The actress couldn’t stop smiling as the gang continued on their way

‘I was taking notes on everything for a five-month period. It felt very voyeuristic. I can’t express to you how foreign LA feels; coming from Headington in Oxford, it was like another planet.’

She also opened up about the different sides of her personality, revealing: ‘I think you have to have a bit of public-private you, to stay sane.

‘I try my best to be as authentic as I can, without feeling so vulnerable that I don’t ever want to leave my hotel suite. It’s about finding that balance.

Food for thought: Roberto carried a box of what appeared to be cup cakes with him

Casual: Emma wore her hair off her face in a messy bun and as per usual she showed off her natural beauty

‘I try to be real, but I also understand there’s a distinction between the me that walks red carpets, and the me that is just myself, at home.’

Sofia Coppola’s The Bling Ring is released in the UK on July 5.

Lots to catch up on: Roberto slung his arm around her shoulder as they chatted away

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