Halloween can be full of twists and unexpected turns, but there was nothing scary about the surprise that was planned for students at the Hyde Park Educational Complex in Boston.

Good sport: Jayson Tatum star at pep rally

Administrators at New Mission High School and the BCLA-McCormack School had a special treat lined up for this year’s Halloween assembly.

“I got the lucky call from the central office,” said New Mission Principal William Thomas.

The traditional games and costume contests were dwarfed as soon as Boston Celtics star Jayson Tatum entered the gymnasium. The surprise appearance from Tatum caused students to erupt in delight.

Good sport: Jayson Tatum star at pep rally

“This is an honor and a privilege just to come here and be a part of this, to see you guys,” Tatum told the crowd.

Tatum and Boston Mayor Michelle Wu addressed the students to highlight health, wellbeing and making good choices at any age.

“When I was in class, I listened to my teachers. I listened to my mom and it worked out,” Tatum said to the students. “That is important: to listen, study hard, make the right choices.”

Good sport: Jayson Tatum star at pep rally

“Jayson was incredibly generous with his time and really answered some questions, and I think inspired a whole lot of young people to work their hardest and dream their biggest,” Wu said.

Tatum also made sure to let the students know that he’s dreaming his biggest this season.

“Thank you for the love and support, and we are going to win a championship this year,” Tatum said.

Thomas said he hopes Tatum’s main message of working hard will stick with students through the end of the school year.