NBA – Giannis scandal in the league !!! LeBron James was unexpectedly involved

Les superstars NBA Giannis Antetokounmpo (gauche) et LeBron James (droite)

Before dropping a sad record on the Pacers, Giannis Antetokounmpo created buzz on Wednesday evening after an ejection against the Pistons. Undeserved for many observers, including LeBron James. The latter shared his reaction.

Refereeing is always a delicate NBA subject, with sometimes very questionable whistles during matches. The one against Giannis Antetokounmpo this Wednesday evening against the Pistons is no exception. In great form in front of his audience, the Greek Freak was ejected from the match after returning from the locker room after a second technical foul. The reason ? Having provoked an opponent.

The controversial ejection of Giannis Antetokounmpo

Too bad the Bucks can’t use the coach’s challenge on this. Giannis looked at him for a moment, and then…

For a simple look and a grimace, Giannis was ejected with this second technical foul. The referees refused to explain the reason to the player immediately, subsequently ruining the show for the many spectators who came to see this game. A real scandal for many, including LeBron James.

This is unfortunately a trend in the NBA, with a desire to eliminate the slightest trash talk. Disappointing for the spectators and even the players, who almost no longer have the right to react after a huge dunk or a questionable whistle from an official. Worrying for the future of the league.

Ejected for nothing, Giannis Antetokounmpo probably did not digest this decision against the Pistons. And count on LeBron James to let it be known that he finds it ridiculous. However, it will take much more to try to make things happen.

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