With news spreading about the upcoming Top Gun cast, it is quite clear that fans will see Tom Cruise back with his classic moves. Baffling the crowd with his sleek figure even at the age of 61, many wonder how he is able to keep himself in such great shape.

Tom Cruise’s Surprising Diet That Keeps Him In Shape Even At 60+

Image Credit: Flickr

In his several decades of career in cinema, Tom Cruise has never been witnessed to be out of shape. Even at the age of 60+, his body seems so toned, which is quite remarkable. His workaholic nature and hours of training in the gym, with the addition of a healthy diet, are what make him able to perform such deadly stunts himself without any CGI edits and Stunt Doubles. Due to this, he has gained a massive fan following and made him a Global Icon.

Those who are wondering how extreme his workout and diet look will be shocked after knowing the truth. The secret behind his great physique is surprisingly straightforward and doesn’t include anything fancy. His diet regime includes nothing but wholesome meals and snacks that keep him energised for long durations.


Cruise’s main diet includes fish, egg whites, poultry, oats, veggies, whey protein, and other basic health foods which are often recommended by dieticians. He does not follow any special diet, as many assume. Instead, he likes to indulge in a clean diet and stay away from junk foods. For snacking, he often likes to eat nuts and fruits to keep the gut satisfied. On average, his daily diet contains not more than 1200 calories, which is quite low compared to the ideal calorie intake for the body.

Recent news states that Cruise’s every meal is prepared by his own chefs, which includes items like nuts and organic blueberries. Along with this, Cruise dropped his calorie intake as low as 1200 a day based on David Beckham’s devised regime in 2020. Shocking to know, during that time, he almost only ate grilled foods and largely avoided carbohydrates.


Let’s break down his diet to understand better how his preferred diet helps him stay fit. When looking at his main diet, which includes fish, egg whites, chicken, oats, vegetables, and whey protein, it is quite clear that this is nothing extraordinary. Fish contains higher levels of nutrients such as Omega-3 Fatty Acids, Vitamin B, Vitamin A, and Proteins, which enhance skin elasticity and keep it toned and beautiful. On the other hand, Egg Whites are a perfect source of protein, which helps build strong muscles and maintain them as you age.

Poultry items like Chicken promote bone health and decrease the risk of injuries, which is how Cruise is able to perform dangerous stunts without caring about injuring himself. Other items in his diet, like oats, vegetables, and whey protein, are additions to make his diet even more fruitful and help extract all the goodness of the meals.

While not being anything extraordinary, Cruise’s simple diet proves that you don’t need much to stay in shape. The only thing to keep in mind is keeping it consistent and steering clear of junk food.