During an appearance with John Krasinski, DeGeneres’ producer wasn’t happy with how the segment was going.

Ellen DeGeneres Wasn't Pleased After Her Producer Cut A "Failed" Segment  Short With John Krasinski

John Krasinski has won over television audiences in hit series such as The Office and Tom Clancy’s Jack Ryan. His acting talent has even earned him success in films. Krasinski’s appearances on The Ellen DeGeneres Show have seen him discussing his career, as well as his off-camera life as a father.

However, during one appearance, Krasinski apparently didn’t entertain one person well enough. It was DeGeneres’ producer Andy Lassner, who interrupted a segment featuring the actor with DeGeneres.

The interruption would make for an awkward moment, but Krasinski found a brilliant way to break the tension.

Ellen’s Producer Andy Lassner Interrupted Her ‘Burning Questions’ Segment With John Krasinski

In February 2020, John Krasinski appeared on The Ellen DeGeneres Show and participated in her famous “Burning Questions” segment. The segment began with DeGeneres asking Krasinski what his most irrational fear is.

“Spiders,” Krasinski answered.

DeGeneres said that hers were styrofoam and cotton balls, because of the texture. She also challenged Krasinski’s answer, saying spiders weren’t an irrational fear.

“I have a fear of bamboo in my fingernails,” Krasinski said.

DeGeneres then asked Krasinski to “name a celebrity who hasn’t returned a text you sent.”

“Name one who has,” Krasinski joked. He then revealed that DeGeneres usually responds to texts very quickly.

DeGeneres then asked Krasinski the worst gift he’d ever given his wife Emily Blunt.

“That depends on perspective, because I think my gifts are amazing,” Krasinski said. “I’ve given her gifts that she loves. Weirdly [with] jewelry, I’m a big miss. A big miss on everything.”

“You don’t know her taste by now?” DeGeneres asked.

“I thought I did,” he said. “I really did and I’ve tried maybe six or seven times.”

“Aww that’s bad,” DeGeneres said.

“Well, it’s expensive,” Krasinski responded.

Krasinski went on to show off his Boston accent skills, tell DeGeneres about his nerves while meeting Tom Brady, and revealed he would take Chris Martin on a date to Taco Bell.

However, Krasinski had some trouble coming up with an answer when DeGeneres asked him what his biggest “dad fail” was. DeGeneres’ producer, Andy Lassner, then interrupted the host during the segment.

“Alright Andy,” a frustrated DeGeneres then said. “Andy’s not satisfied with this game so far. He’s like, ‘Let’s just stop then.'”

“I was going to let him up,” Lassner could be heard responding as the camera cut to him.

“Alright, I’ll let him up,” DeGeneres responded.

Krasinski then attempted to break the tension by joking to the camera operators, “Guys, can we push in on Andy please?”

Lassner and everyone else began to laugh. DeGeneres got a few more questions in before cutting to a commercial, ending the segment.

John Once Told Ellen A Funny Story About A Singing Lesson He Received From Daughter Violet

One of the ways Krasinski charmed DeGeneres’ audience is his stories of fatherhood. Krasinski has two daughters with wife Emily Blunt, Violet and Hazel.

“They’re amazing. They’re so much fun,” he gushed in 2018. “I feel like every time people talk about their kids on this, people are like, ‘We all have kids, ugh.’ But they’re amazing, and they’re geniuses.”

Krasinski then told DeGeneres about a time when he was singing a song to his daughter Violet, who was 18 months at the time. It was raining outside and Krasinski was trying to entertain her.

“There’s this song for kids that goes, ‘Rolly polly, rolly polly,’” Krasinski said. He then turned to the audience and joked, “You guys don’t know it? Oh, that’s weird.”

Krasinski then shared how his daughter Violet shocked him with her reaction.

“And all of a sudden Violet, who is 18 months, goes, ‘Yeah, baby,’” he said, dropping his voice to a lower octave. “That deep! And I was like, ‘Emily, first of all, has she heard the song before? Second of all, what was that?’ And she’s like, ‘I have no idea.’”

Both Krasinski and Blunt were unsure about the situation for three days. Then, something finally clicked when they were listening to the song in the car.

“At the end of the song, this guy just comes in and goes, ‘Yeah, baby,’” Krasinski explained. “And I’m not kidding, she looked at me like, ‘Are we good?’ That’s what that was. Like, ‘Dad, you don’t get me already.’”

John Told Ellen About His Daughter Hazel And Her Great Comedic Timing

During his 2020 appearance on DeGeneres’ show, Krasinski told another parenting story. This time it revolved around his daughter Hazel, who was 5 years old at the time.

DeGeneres asked Krasinski what Hazel was up to since they last saw each other.

“Making me laugh. She’s so funny,” Krasinski answered.

Krasinski then told DeGeneres that he was attempting to undertake a project that would display his family more prominently in their home.

“The other day, after 10 years of being with my wife, I was like, ‘I’m finally gonna do a photo wall,'” he said. “So I got all these brand-new frames and I unwrapped them and I put ’em on the ground — you put ’em on the ground before you put ’em up where they’re gonna be on the wall — and the girls came over and they’re like, ‘Wow, you’re doing such a great job, Daddy.'”

“And then Hazel literally leaned on my shoulder and she went, ‘So good. Don’t you think you should put pictures of us up?'” Krasinski continued. “It was all the fake families in the frames! It was amazing. I think she was genuinely concerned that I was losing my mind.”