Ellen DeGeneres thinks she made Sandra Bullock’s entire career (and wouldn’t let it go during an interview).

Sandra Bullock on the red carpet

Ellen DeGeneres has had many stars on her show over the years. Some have clicked with their hosts, while others, like Sharon Stone, made her uncomfortable during their appearances. Yet others felt uncomfortable themselves, either because they wanted to protect their privacy or because they felt awkward when they were interviewed by Ellen like Beyoncé was.

However, Sandra Bullock doesn’t fall into either category. The Speed star loved talking with Ellen and didn’t shy away from appearing on her show and discussing everything with her, even when the subject may have been a little awkward.

Ellen DeGeneres Reportedly Inspired Miss Congeniality

Ellen DeGeneres filming The Ellen DeGeneres Show

In 2018, Sandra Bullock went on The Ellen Show to clear the air with Ellen about how she got the part in Miss Congeniality, a movie that helped her career immensely. For her part, Ellen claimed that the movie had been written for her after the writer saw her during an appearance.

She bluntly started the conversation with Sandra.

“Do you ever thank me for your career?” Ellen asked.

Trying not to laugh, Sandra answered, “Yes, I do, every day.”

“Don’t be sarcastic,” Ellen retorted, having noticed Sandra’s struggle not to start laughing.

Sandra Bullock looking gorgeous

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Trying to maintain a straight face, Sandra elaborated on what she had meant.

“At Grace, at dinner, I thank you, my children thank you because we have a good life. You gave us a good career, and we’re grateful,” she concluded.

Seemingly validated, Ellen triumphantly said, “I didn’t know that was the truth until somebody told me,” prompting Sandra to exclaim, “It’s not the truth!”

While Sandra may have been playing along with her host, she clearly didn’t believe that she had gotten the part over her. In fact, her reactions showed that she thought the whole thing was a joke.

As it turned out, there may have been a misunderstanding and neither woman had the correct version of events.

Ellen Thought She Was Meant To Get Sandra’s Role In The Film

Ellen Degeneres at Netflix Green Eggs and Ham premierevia instar

Determined to elucidate the mystery, Sandra proceeded to tell her side of the story of how the rumors started.

“Let me tell you what happened with [Miss] Congeniality,” she said. “The writer saw you hosting something, the Emmys, and you were doing an interview about wearing a dress, and you didn’t like it. So maybe he wrote it for you and you turned it down.”

Ellen seemed shocked by this version of events.

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Sandra Bullock is known for her many Hollywood friends, but she is particularly close with the woman Kevin Costner raised a family.

“I never did turn it down, it was never offered to me!” she exclaimed.

The two agreed that it was indeed strange that somehow Ellen inspired a movie, yet the writer and producers failed to offer her the part or even discuss it with her.

Sandra and Ellen then decided to try to get the writer on the phone to see if they could get a straight answer out of him.

However, the writer was either unavailable or didn’t want to come on while the show was on air. Either way, they didn’t get a straight answer and neither did fans.

Ellen Says Sandra Owes Her For The Career Boost

premiere of lost cityInstar

Still apparently stung by the lack of closure, Ellen continued her interview with Sandra by veering into questions about her children.

The conversation settled down as Sandra described the strong bond between her two children, one of whom had accompanied her to the show and was waiting backstage.

However, Ellen couldn’t stop herself from throwing shade at her guest. In reply to Sandra explaining how her kids were going to have a fight over something she had said on stage, Ellen once again brought up her role in Sandra’s career.

“I’ve given you a career, so you have lots of money for therapy,” she quipped, apparently unable to let the subject go.

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After the roast, Sandra sat down for Burning Questions with her host, graciously offering to donate the $20,000 she made answering questions to a New Orleans high school.

During the grilling, she revealed that Keanu Reeves, who starred with her in Miss Congeniality and Speed, was his favorite co-star to kiss and her first celebrity crush. She also told Ellen that she’s the one celebrity she had never worked with before that she’d like to do a love scene with.

Sandra was her usual gracious self during the interview, which is something fans are used to seeing from her. Similarly, she had been nothing but gracious to her host during her final interview with Jay Leno.

In fact, Sandra took advantage of the occasion to thank her host for supporting her career even when she had made bad movies.

“You’ve always been so kind. That’s saying a lot in this business because we like to be mean. There’s not been one time that you haven’t treated me like I had something to offer,” she told Jay Leno.

Sandra’s authenticity is always a pleasure for fans to experience, and her appearance on The Ellen Show didn’t disappoint in that respect.